Nice autumnal morning ....

28th September 2024 (Saturday)    08.45 .... There's a fair amount of cloud around but it's a

bonnie, albeit chilly, autumnal morning..... and it's dry,    The plan is to go to Kirkcaldy.... but I need to have breakfast, and get myself into gear before we do that.   Iain was up before me and has had his breakfast, so I'd better get a move on.    

21.00    We've had a busy day!    Iain tidied up some of the garden  while I was having breakfast and getting myself organised.   After I was 'in gear' we had a cuppa then went to Kirkcaldy to have a look at Mobility scooters.   The scooter will replace the bike, not the car!    Because the scooter means less in the way of exercise Iain has ordered a set of exercise pedals that I can crank while working on the computer or watching the TV.  This will eliminate any problems that a bike seat can cause;  and they can be many (for both boys and girls).   Although I have  a recommended type of seat, we have reached the decision that it's best to keep biking to the minimum at present.    Hence the scooter idea.

We arrived at 'Fairprice Mobility' (Kirkcaldy) and the first thing that surprised, both Iain and me, was the number of scooters.... second hand and new on show.   Anyway, after the initial shock the lassie in charge explained how they worked and  the difference between individual types of scooter.   They all served the same purpose but some with different specifications.  I sat on a couple and believe I could soon get used to one;  it would be much the same as the bike .... but slower.   We were only looking today, but I think the way forward for me, as far as getting around the villages, and Elie Estate, is by mobility scooter.... and with the camera!

Our next port of call was ASDA's, a journey of  woo metres or so, where I wanted to buy the bits and pieces we'd forgotten to buy at 'The Store' in Ainster.   I prefer smaller shops and ASDA (Kirkcaldy) ain't small.... in fact it's huge and we spent a lot of time, and energy, looking for stuff.   After much wandering about we eventually found he bread aisle, then we had to look for the milk and so it went on.   I had sair legs by the time we were finished;  but at least we had the food we went if for and I an stocked up for the next week .... more or less.    Probably less rather than more.

It has been an interesting and tiring day: and I will, eventually, end up with a mobility scooter.   I'm now wondering which flag I'd fly whey out and about on it!   I don't think I'll be buying the one I am sitting on;  if it had been red and came with a free MAGA hat I might have!  (Only joking).    I did find one that

I felt comfortable on .... and I liked the electronic display window;  'Slow' was a tortoise symbol, and 'Fast' was a Hare!   Some of them had bigger wheels which I thought would be useful, but the only difference in clearance from the ground is one inch so not worth bothering about.   That said, the tyres on the wee wheels would wear down faster because they'd go round oftener.   
I'm a tired but happy boy tonight!

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