Calm sunny .....

16th September 2024 (Monday)     09.00 .... Ferry Road was really quiet when I went out this

morning;  Nothing;  no cars, joggers, dog walkers.   The only noise was 'Blob' twittering away on top of the Rowan tree.   We have a new robin, more than likely one of the previous Blob's brood from the summer.   Robin's only live for 2 -3 years in the wild and the last one was with us for 5 years at least.  Then again he/she wisnae very 'wild'!   The 'new' Blob' is already settling down... and claiming most of this end of Earlsferry!

20.30    I wouldn't say that I've been busy today, but I certainly have enjoyed the warm sunshine.   Bob (Ann's Personal Assistant) and I sat and chatted  round the back (patio).   I should have made us coffee but but Bob was busy telling me how he couldn't hang around as he had to make Ann's lunch.   He spoils that girl!   

I went up to the Pony Field for my morning daunder .... so a change of scenery for th camera.   I was amazed at how busy the golf course was:  my plan was to go up to the the PF, along to the third tee then down the third fairway and home.  But the course was so busy that I had to go back the same way I went up.... i.e. via the seat at the 17th green.  David (Bowers) appeared on one of the workers buggies;  jings they are quiet things now that they are battery powered).   I never knew he was there until I turned round.   We chatted for a few minutes before he had to bumble off to do 'work' things;   I took a few more photographs then ambled back to Ivy.... and the kettle switch!   I'm really missing the bike.

The afternoon seemed to evaporate:  I'd planned on painting the shed but the siesta lasted longer than normal and that was it.   I'll paint the shed tomorrow morning... before I go for any 'walks'.   The weather is supposed to be bonnie (and warm verging on hot) for the next couple of days.   Mind you there was some mist (as you can see in the photo), so we could get more of that with this warm weather.

22.30    According to the weather forecast the thermometer could reach 20C tomorrow afternoon;  I will finish painting the shed.... if it's not too hot! 

'Nightsleeper' (Episode 2 was on TV tonight) is all action, very modern and therefore 'different'.   It finished with the runaway train hitting the tail end of another train,.... we have to wait until next Monday for Episode 3.  It will be interesting to see how the story unfolds; I imagine the train must have derailed!

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