
Chilly breeze ....

15th October 2024 (Tuesday)    08.45....There's a lot of cloud, with a light breeze from the East at present.  "Sunny intervals" are mentioned in our weather forecast, so we can look forward to a bright but chilly day.   The Fife Weather cams show the sky clearing from the SE.   There's an old saying that I remember my Dad using .... "a clear sooth drooned the plooman";  the forecast for tomorrow is "heavy rain with a moderate breeze off the SE!    10.00 .... The sun has broken through and we can look forward to a sunny day now.   I might go down to Nana's Seat in the afternoon.... if the breeze hasn't freshened.   I'm going to have morning coffee before going up to Elie for a paper, pick up a prescription at the Chemist, then onto the surgery for a blood test.  When I think about it, I'll go to the surgery first!   I'm easily 'diverted', and would probably end up at the harbour, instead of the surgery, if I go to the shops

Sunny .....

14th October 2024 (Monday)    08.15 ...."Sunny with a light breeze" is our weather for today! That said, there's a thin film of ice on the car windscreen;  however, once the sun is higher the air will be warm and clear the windscreen.   It's going to be a lovely autumn day.... and should be warm, especially when sheltered from the light SW breeze.  20.30     My word, this has been one beautiful, sunny and warm, day;  a string o' them would give us an Indian Summer!     I went down to Nana's Seat in the afternoon and sat and enjoyed the warm sun.   The beach was busy, with holiday makers (I think this must be half term), walking dogs, jogging.... or just walking the beach.   It was a big beach as the tide was well out.   I nearly fell asleep.   I wondered why the bay was quiet, then realised that boats had been 'craned out' at the weekend.  I only saw three boats on the Firth all the time I was down there.  About an hour. In the morning I went to Methi

Bonnie start to the day ....

13th October 2024 (Sunday)    09.30 .... It's a lovely autumn morning.... a bit chillier than I like, but a good day for doing things around the garden.   Better still... a perfect day for walking a bit of the Coastal Path.   I might do the Chapel Green bit in the afternoon.    So far I've only been as far as the gate, but having 'slept in' I'm behind schedule.  Anyway I've had breakfast;  a mug o' coffee is  what I need to get me going.   I have a washing in the machine;  it's gaun tae be cauld on the hands hanging it out! 19.15    My plan to go up to Chapel Green, in the afternoon, was abandoned when a migraine kicked in just after lunch.    I took the pills, found something to watch on the tele.  I don't often find anything worth watching but today I found a, feature length, 'Miss Marple' that I hadn't seen for a long time.   I managed to watch it until the last half hour then fell sound asleep.   Bit of a bummer, because I won't

Windy and cold.....

12th October 2024 (Saturday)    08.30 .... there's a lot of cloud around with short spells of sunshine.   At the moment it's dry, but light rain is forecast, and it's cold in the fresh SW wind.   Not a morning for being exposed to the wind.    I'm going to Leven to buy light bulbs, and a few bits and pieces that I forgot yesterday..... then up to Methil to annoy Alice.    There's work going on at the Scoonie roundabout area all next week so going to Leven will be tricky.   'Slight Flap On' .... I'm showered, and vertical (wi' claes on)  .... now I need breakfast. 19.45   The 'light rain' turned into heavy rain  on my way to Leven, but, by the time I left Alice's  the sun was breaking through and we ended up with  sunny with heavy showers.   That made for some really interesting clouds so I went to the beach later in the afternoon.   It has been cold all day which, and it's going to be cold tonight;  down to nearly freezing in some pa

Bright and breezy .....

11th October 2024 (Friday)     09.30 .... We have a bright and breezy morning, with the chance of light rain showers.  The showers are forecast fade away to give us a cool, sunny and dry afternoon.  I feel like taking a walk to the beach but it depends on how cold the air is.  Having slept in I'm behind schedule: However I've showered and had breakfast, now I need another cuppa to get me going. 17.00    I've got my car back!    I phoned the garage this morning to see of it was done: found out that all was good, MOT and everything.  I then phoned Myra, to see if she could give me a run to the garage to pick up my car.   She could and did and I am mobile again.   I went straight  from the garage to Sainsbury's Leven to do a shopping!   Where I stocked up with food!   Even the Emergency rations were.... would you believe it.....  being rationed!   All is back to nearly normal.    With no bus service to Earlsferry now I felt 'trapped'!   Being 'trapped' in

Lovely morrrrrrrrning ....

10th October 2024 (Thursday)    09.15.... We have a lovely sunny morning, but there's a cold wind.... the garden thermometer is at 2.5C.   This is the morning that my heating boiler is being serviced and the heating has to be 'off'.   I have a coal effect electric fire in the living room and it is 'on' so I have one warm room.    I'm warm enough all over the rest of Ivy because I have a fleece on.   (Note to me;  remember to take the fleece off when going into the living room).   According to the forecast it's going to be breezy today;  'hurricane force winds (274 mph).   There's a glitch with the app.  We're actually going  to have a moderate wind from the NW.   11.30    I watched 'Threads'  last night, but it didn't have the same effect on me as the first time I saw it (1984) at the end of the Cold War.   Having said that, the nuclear bombs used  in those days tended to be bigger with destruction over a wider area.   Todays bombs a

Nice morning ....

9th October 2024 (Wednesday)     09.45 .... The rain has moved away and we have a brighter morning. There's a lot of clouds scuttling over on a frisky North wind, but, although cold it's dry (at the moment).... but it doesn't look like we'll have sunny spells.  'Strong winds and rain' is the weather forecast. 11.30    Loads of activity on Ferry Road today.  The work on the sub station is being finished off, and, one of the flats being made ready for renovations. It's cauld out in the Northerly wind so I cancelled the original plan, which was to go down to the beach.    I took a few photos of the activity, then scuttled back into Ivy and put the kettle on.     21.00   The nuclear war drama 'Threads', first shown on TV in 1984, is being shown tonight on BBC4 (24).   I was in the Royal Observer Corps at the time and thought it very realistic.  It painted a completely different picture from that portrayed by the official 'Protect and Survive' le