Sunny and warm ....

24th June 2022 (Friday)    11.00 .... We have a brilliant start to the day;  sunny

and warm with only a light breeze .... and I have been enjoying it.  I’ll have a siesta during the hot part of the day.... and be active in the evening time.

I’ve been for the paper, checked the harbour.... then woke up all the folk moored up at Woodhaven:  I had a bag o’ glass jars that had to be dumped.   That was before breakfast.   After breakfast I handed in a prescription, and fuelled up the car;  now I am ready for ‘morrrrrrrrning coffee’  and a potter round the garden.

16.30    It has been a beautiful day... and warm;  too warm for me but I know how to cope with the heat and ‘mauchless’.....lie down on top of the bed for an hour or so.   There are thunder storms, moving North, just South of Newcastle;  I hope they peter out before they get this far.   Having said that;  the nearest lightning strike (so far) was in the Lammermuirs a few minutes ago....definitely North of Newcastle.   Orf to put the kettle ‘on’.

19.30    We got a moody sky ... and even some big rain drops, but the storm didn’t cross the Firth;  not yet anyway.    I went out on the bike to get the moody sky and got back to Ivy just as the big drops o’ rain began.... but it never seriously heavy.   I only went up to Chapel Green then to the Pony Field.   I am  a happy boy.... and I haven’t had a cuppa since I got back: very neglectful.

22.30    I’ve just been checking my status re gas and electricity... paid by Direct Debit.    Right now I am £532 in credit;  £152 credit for electricity and £380 for gas.   The amount surprised me but, come the winter, I don’t doubt that the credit will soon disappear (into some rich pocket)... so it’s hardly worth doing anything about it.   Oh well.... Boris just told us yet he is 'listening';  that said, listening on it's own isn't good enough.

The new 'Four winds'.
 Sometimes I think that Boris' heid is that deeply buried in the sand that you can only see the soles of his feet. 

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