Quiet morning ....

16th June 2022 (Thursday)    06.00 ....  the garden thermometer is reading 14C

already;   there is a light southwest breeze so it will be a wee bit cooler at the harbour;  but it’s a great start to what looks like being another nice day.     And we might have interesting shower clouds in the afternoon.

08.30   I’ve been out (on the bike);  you’ll all be pleased to know that all is where it should be at the harbour.   Funnily enough, although a nice morning there is a breeze and so it’s not as warm as it was yesterday morning... probably ‘cos there’s also a thin layer of cloud as well as the breeze.    Having said all that;  I enjoyed my bumble on the bike.

14.30   Ye Gods;  I don’t know what was in the air around 09.00 but it hit my tubes and I had to abandon any plans to work;   all I did was sit in The Hutte and do Soduko’s.    Unfortunately I had to phone Myra and opt out of the lunch she had organised for ‘The Team’;  there was no way I could go ‘out and about’.    The pollen count would be high but there was also pollution of some kind;  however I managed to prevent an asthma attack with judicious use of the inhalers.   I eventually fell asleep, in The Hutte, and my breathing is ‘back to normal’;  as it was when I was out in the early part of the morning.    A shower o' rain would clear the air.

20.30    It has been a nice enough day, but it looks like it could turn to rain overnight;  the forecast for tomorrow is ‘light rain with a fresh breeze’ first thing but brighter later.

The lunch that I had to miss out on was delivered by Myra and Kirsty in the afternoon;  so I actually enjoyed the food part, but missed out on the conversation.   That said I had a good old natter with the delivery girls;  it has been an enjoyable day... apart from the hiccup with the breathing.   I really appreciate the value of having had all my ‘jabs’ I can tell you.

I’d say that this has been a ‘rest day’ for me.... though I did manage to paint the table top

first thing this morning;  before going out on the bike.   I did a few ‘hard’ Soduko’s so the brain isn’t completely ‘fog bound’.   I don’t have a ‘plan’ for tomorrow;  everything depends on the weather is doing.   Must ‘go’ slight flap on’ .... it’s nearly Skype time.

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