Peaceful mornin'....

15th June 2022 (Wednesday)     10.00 .... it’s an absolute stunner o’ a mornin’....

and I have been ‘roond the villages’ on the bike.   It should be a  warm day;  we don’t want it as hot as ‘Sunny Sussex’
.... comfortably warm will do.  I’m going along to the ‘Pav’ to the ‘istory Society coffee/tea morning.   I don’t know if I’ll do the Colinsburgh Lite lunch.  I’ll see how I feel: and  I have a table top that needs painting.

19.30    This has been one of the best days we’ve had in a long time;  we could be doing with a decent spell of this weather.    I actually went out on the bike again;  only as far as Chapel green but it was brilliant being warm weather.

I did the ‘istory Society coffee morrrrrning;  that was really enjoyable.   When I got up to leave Graham signed ‘hat chair behind you’;  I knew what he was signing but thought I’d left my hat and scarf in the car.   I eventually got the message... after Carol pointed to my hat;  obviously I hadn’t left it in the car!   I’d been sitting on it.  Actually I must brush up on the sign language.... Maggie and I used it.    Anyway I have my hat.

East End - Colinsburgh.

Back at Ivy I gave the top of the table a coat then went up to Colinsburgh for the Lite Bite lunch:  only to find it isn’t on until next week.   I took a few photos of Colinsburgh Main Street then bumbled my way home got the bike out and did Chapel Green.

By this time I was starting to feel peckish and made a couple of sandwiches for lunch.   The doorbell rang just as I began my lite bite lunch;   it was Shona.   I made another mug o’ coffee and we went out to The Hutte and had a ‘lite bite’ sandwich lunch.    We spent the afternoon catching up with each other’s news.

The ‘lite bite’ lunch soon wore off so I got two Sweet and Sour’ chicken ready meals out of the freeze .... bunged them through the microwave and had an early dinner.

I haven’t done all the ‘work’ I intended doing, but, my word....I have enjoyed 'today'.

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