Feeling spritely ....

10th  8th June 2022 (Wednesday)    07.00 .... It’s breezy, with a lot of cloud

scuttling over from the southeast, some of them looking heavy with ‘dampness’.   Light rain is forecast for our area for most of today;  I’ll loup intae the car and go for the papers before it arrives....which looks like it could be soon.

08.00    Ye Gods.... I was two days out with the date yesterday and still two days out today;  I’ll get it right tomorrow morning.

The first ‘light spots o’ rain’ hit the car windscreen at 07.11 , just as I settled down in the driving seat.   I’ve been for the paper(s) visited the ‘arbour and I’m back in Ivy about to ‘ave breakfast.   The dampness has cleared the air and breathing is good, but the car windae’s dinnae work: they’re sensitive to dampness.  And.... I’m still feeling spritely... but with a limp.   It’s all ‘go’ this morning. 

  21.00    It has been a funny old day.... not as drab as it as it might have been, but drab nonetheless.    I’ve been busy;  booked myself in for haircut tomorrow, ironed the downie cover and made up the single bed.   Making a bed is hard work nowadays..... but it’s done.

With the weather being dreich I never went out again;  not on the bike or to the beach anyway.   Tomorrow I’ll be going to Leven (haircut);  I thought of going to Dysart ‘arbour but I like a sunny day for that so I’ll leave that until next week.   With cost of fuel, a visit Dysart and Kinghorn harbours will soon be something else in the memory bank.   Still the extra money we’re paying is going into someone’s pocket so they won’t be moaning.  

I have been on the computer now and again, but most of the day has been spent doing bits of ‘ousework and reading ‘How to Read a Church’.

The weather is going to be better tomorrow.... though we’ll have ‘light cloud’

precipitation isn’t mentioned.... and we should have sunny spells after lunch.   It looks like being a good day for getting a haircut;  not too cauld.

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