Summer solstice ....

21st June 2022 (Tuesday)   08.00 .... Today is the Summer Solstice:  the

longest day of the year (between the two shortest nights presumably).   Strangely enough it’s now that we usually begin to get the summer weather.... when the nights start drawing in.    I hope that’s the case this year ‘cos I ain’t looking forward to winter.

There was no point in getting ‘up’ at 04.00 this morning;  it was raining.   Sunrise was at 04.23.   The rain has stopped so we might have a few sunny spells later, but everything is wet in the garden so no gardening;  for the first part of the day anyway.   I see that the pollen count is ‘H’ for today;  I’d have thought it would be lower because of the dampness.   It's 'second cuppa' of the day time.

10.40    With the garden being wet I went to ‘The Store’ and did a shopping.... things are noticeably more expensive.  To try to counteract the rise in prices I bought Tetley tea bags, instead of Yorkshire, and continued along that line;  i.e. buying cheaper brands where possible ....and nae ‘goodies’.    The ‘plan’ now is to see how wet the garden is;  if it’s wet I’ll begin painting the wee shed at the back door.    I’ll go out on the bike later in the afternoon, once the heat of the day is past.   Right now it’s ‘MC’ time.

On the way to 'The Store' I went to the re-cycling depot (Pittenweem) to get rid of four (nearly empty) spray paint cans, thinking they'd have to go into a special container.   Not so;  "cans and plastics" said the bloke at the 'dump' so that's where they went.   I could have put them out in the green bucket last Friday.

20.30   I’ve had another good day.... and we ended up with sunny spells so I did  some more work to the path that leads to the ‘romantic corner’.   Em and John did most of the heavy work;  I’m tidying up the steps and slabs.   Oh ....have three species of Bumble in the garden;  Tree, Buff Tailed and Red Tailed.

I didn’t go out on the bike this afternoon, but I intend going out tomorrow;  that reminds

me; I’ll need to take the bike to get the paper then charge the battery so that I can go further in the afternoon/evening.   The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.

22.00   At long last I am starting to feel like the pre virus ‘me’:  feeling more positive and less stressed.   I still get fatigue but can manage a bit more ‘work’ before it sets in now.   I’m a happy boy.  

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