Cracker o' a mornin'.....

4th June 2022 (Saturday)   19.30.... oops.... I forgot to update The Hutte this

morrrrrrrrrning.    Sorry aboot that but it has been a gorgeous day, though there was a cool breeze off the sea..... and I have been pottering around Ivy.   I didn’t go down to the beach but I imagine it would have been busy;  it certainly was a day for the beach.

When I went for the paper, in the car at 07.30, there was hardly any wind....and it was pleasantly warm.  At the harbour everything was where it should be and looking exquisite....picture postcard perfect (that reminds me I need to get some photos onto a ‘stick’) in fact.   I enjoyed taking postcard perfect pictures around Elie harbour. 

Back at Ivy the washing I’d put on was ready to hang out;  in fact I’d better go and bring it in because it has been a perfect drying day.  I’ll do the downie cover to do tomorrow and that will be the ‘troops’ washing done.

I had planned to go up to the ‘istory Society  Exhibition today but I am useless between 11.00 and 17.00 on days like this....when there’s a dry Easterly breeze so the bike has never been out.   I’ll get ‘up’ early tomorrow and ‘do’ the villages before the heat of the day.... and the onshore breeze.    I hope to be fit to ‘work’ at the Exhibition tomorrow.   The virus has certainly changed my routine... and then some.   That said I feel that I am ‘on the mend’... but not as fast as I’d like;  and imagine I'm not the only sufferer that wants tae 'get better' faster.

21.00   The new flowers that ‘M’ and John planted have been watered;  and they’re looking good.   I’ll take a picture once they begin to flourish.   It’s a beautiful evening but the cool breeze stops me from going to the beach.   Before the virus I’d pop down to the beach whenever;  even with an easterly breeze I could go to the beach.   Not now.... but hopefully soon.  I'm thankful that I'm  recovering even slowly;  a lot of folk didn't.

I’m orf to iron today’s washing; then make the chocolate and see if I can find something

to watch on the tele.    What a waste of a good invention the TV is; it’s just a platform for advertising with bits of film in between the adverts.   

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