Windy ....

22nd February 2020 (Saturday)      08.30 .... I bought  a pack of four
Upper Largo in sleet shower.
things called bagels  yesterday so, this morning I toasted two of them then spread them with butter and some of Jackie’s raspberry jam.   The hole in the middle of them is a ‘pain in the bu ... posterior’ when spreading them.    Somehow, going by the mess my hands were in putting the jam on them, I got the feeling that they are not supposed to be laden with raspberry jam.   They tasted really good though!    What’s the hole in the middle of them (the bagels) for anyway?
We have a ‘nae bad’ morning after a wild night of wind and rain.   The plan is to go to Kirkcaldy after breakfast then go to The Harbour Master’s House (Dysart) for lite bite lunch.

09.00    Bagels are of Polish Jewish origin;  the hole makes for even baking and for carrying, displaying etc.   Jam is not mentioned but cream cheese etc is.... it’s a ‘roll with a hole’ really:    extremely tasty with homemade raspberry jam.

South end of Park Place - Elie.
12.00    My word we are getting some really squally and heavy sleet showers.    Iain and I have been to Kirkcaldy (PC World) but the monitor we wanted wasn’t in stock so Iain is going to buy one in Aberdeen and bring it down in a couple of weeks;   in the meantime I will use one of the old monitors.
We left PC World just as one  the previously mentioned sleet showers was  starting so we abandoned the Dysart Harbour part of the plan and came straight back home.    Luckily we have the rugby this afternoon;   Italy v Scotland in Rome so we’re not bothered about the squally showers.    I think we could all be doing with a spell of more settled weather though..... tomorrow is forecast to be sunny but cold.

16.30    Scotland won in Rome (15 – 0) but it wasn’t the best of games to look at .....
apart from the result.    Wales v France is coming on in a wee while so we’ll watch that.    Oh .... Iain went online to PC World in Kirkcaldy and found a monitor that was ‘in stock’ so we went back to Kirkcaldy and bought one;  which is now operational.    Things are now back to normal though it will take me a wee while to get the complete hand of it.

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