Grey, still and damp ....

2nd February 2020 (Sunday)      09.00 ....It’s heavily overcast and damp
There's much dampness about today.
with hardly a breath of wind.... and KY9 forecast is ‘sleet showers with a light breeze’, not very exciting and not one to have me going much further than the front gate, though I might take a turn round the villages in the car in the afternoon ... which means taking two steps beyond the gate..   I‘m feeling brighter but not adventurous.

12.00     Hmmmm it’s a dreich day but I did venture out in the car to do my tour of the villages ... wet villages.... and everything is where it should be, in fact I was surprised to see so many cars here... and folk on the beach (noted from the harbour).   I never left the car but I did lower the windows a couple of times to take a photograph or two.   I came home by way of Balbuthie and Kinneuchar and won’t be going out again today:  got photographs to ‘play’ with and much to do on the laptop.   

20.00     Welll .... I’ve had another restful day.   I did a bit of work on the laptop, watched the rugby and sorted out the few photos I got this morning.   The rugby was exciting.... France are playing good rugby, and I was tired at the end of the game.   The score?    France beat England 24 – 17.

The sky has cleared after a dull and mostly wet day.... it looks like we could have a nice day tomorrow;   sunny with string winds.   I don’t like wind;  except when I want a good drying day and that isn’t tomorrow.    I will get ‘out and about’  for some exercise because I’m beginning to feel friskiness building up in me, though I do have a cough now.   I won’t visit Jim until Tuesday or Wednesday.
Another early night in bed with my book should have me ‘bright eyed and bushy’ tailed.    I’m reading about the ‘Fishermen, Randies and Fraudsters’ of Aberdeenshire and fascinating reading it is.   My goodness there’s been a lot of naughty goings on in up there!

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