Dreich morning ....

20th February 2020 (Thursday)       08.00 .... oh dear... we have a dreich
The harbour this afternoon.
start to the morning;  and it looks like it has been raining all night.    However the rain is should clear away in a few hours and we will be inundated with ‘sunny spells’... albeit cold ones as the temperature is not going to climb very far up the thermometer today.    In fact sleet/snow showers has been mentioned for higher ground.   That usually means interesting clouds.   I must remember not to get ‘diverted’ as I am going to visit the ‘Colinsburgh girls’ in the afternoon.  

20.30    I enjoyed my afternoon with the ‘Colinsburgh Girls’:  we had a look at a few photographs on the laptop, chatted over a cuppa, scones and cake and I passed a cold afternoon in comfort with the lovely ‘Colinsburgh Girls’..  
The weather brightened up around midday but it did turn colder when the sky cleared;  we also had a few heavy sleet showers.   Tomorrow is forecast to be windy and wet .... I’m looking forward to Saturday.
A heavy shower heading my way!
The computer is ‘offline’ during the daytime just now, due to work being done to upgrade us to ‘Super Fast Fibre’;  this should happen by 24th April.   I got the new ‘hub’ from BT a couple of weeks ago all now I’m looking forward to being connected.
I have no plan for tomorrow;  but with the weather forecast we have for tomorrow, it could be a good morning for me to visit Jim.... after morning coffee.    There’s a brisk wind blowin’ just now.... I’ve been putting the bucket out.    I also put the kettle ‘on’ .... now I need to find something to watch on the tele.   I’ve been watching ‘The Last of the Summer Wine’.   When it first came out way back in the 80’s I think.... it was on for 30 minutes and that included the adverts:   now it’s on for 45 minutes with the extra 15 minutes being taken up by extra adverts.    I don’t watch the adverts; they’re puerile.

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