Lovely sunrise ....

12th February 2020 (Wednesday)     09.30 .... The garden thermometer
10 minutes before sunrise.
is showing 4C just now but with the wind chill it feels more like 1C;  having said that it is a bonnie morning but cold.    We had a cracker of a sunrise, some braw colours, but a “red sky in the morning etc”  means Storm Dennis is on his way in.
I did the washing and it is/was on the line when I last looked;  I did put extra pegs on it just in case.    It should dry fairly quickly and I might even get it ironed after lunch.    Must go.... got to get the papers.

11.30    I don’t believe me.   I went to the garage to fuel up the car, but the pump kept switching off so I gave up after £1.20... intending to the car to the garage.    Christine, who was on duty in the shop, said she would have a go:  yep .... fuel went in ‘nae bother’.   I do not know what I do wrong but it appears it’s me that’s the problem .... not the car.   Christine filled the tank so all’s well that ends well;  and I am looking forward to the Friendship Lunch.
Sunrise over Elie Bay.
From Colinsburgh I went to the ‘paper shop’ and had morning coffee with the ‘Troops’.... and I remembered to call Sarah “Sarah”.... sometimes 'Sarah' is “Laura”.

20.00     We’ve had a lovely day... sunny mostly, but it has been cold.    The ‘Friendship Lunch’ was excellent .... as it always is.   It seems that there’s ‘nothing’ happening anywhere....not even in Kinneuchar.

I am looking forward to the weekend;  Iain is coming down (weather permitting) to upgrade the big computer.    It’s the one I use when sorting out the photographs etc.  Tomorrow?    Hmmmmm .... after morning coffee tomorrow I’ll pop along Leven to do
Bonnie afternoon - but cold.
a wee shopping and visit Jim.  I must remember that we have a ‘Valentine Drop in Cafe’ in the afternoon.... can’t forget that.   I’ve just seen the weather forecast for tomorrow .... and the weekend:   not very promising at all.... Storm Dennis arrives on Saturday and is with us until Monday.    Tomorrow is going to start wet with rain/sleet/snow.

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