Bright and breezy ....

3rd February 2020 (Monday)     07.30 ....’bright and breezy’ is the
forecast for us today and I am feeling bright and breezy too;  I got out of bed at a more normal time (06.00)... instead of 08.30 as I have been doing for the past few mornings.    I hope to get out for a walk in some sheltered spot today;   Gillingshill or Balcarres Den.  

18.00     Gillingshill was where I ended up this morning, and it was nice being well out of the wind but my word the path was muddy.    In fact I think there might have been an early morning frost that had thawed because the mud was  sticky... almost like Sussex clay,    That said I did enjoy the walk but won’t go back there until later in the Spring .... when the path is dry underfoot.
On the way home I went to Elie for the paper, and down to the harbour for a quick look
 around:  I was what was happening so not very much was happening.    
In the afternoon I went out to post a letter and came home by way of Balbuthie and Kinneuchar.    The remainder of the afternoon was spent working on the laptop.   

I was out at the bucket a wee while ago and I noticed that the wind has moderated a bit.... and temperature has dropped, so it’s going to be a cold night because there’s still a bit of a breeze;  but nothing like the F8-9 gale we had in the early part of the afternoon.   The Ivy hatches have been battened and I am settling down in front of the tele with the laptop on the coffee table.

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