'Love' to all .....

14th February 2020 (Friday)     09.30 .... “St Valentine’s Day” .... good
To 'You' from 'Me'  on this lovely day.
old St Valentine he had the right idea “love is all we need”;  so ... loads of ‘love’ to everyone this lovely day.  I’m sending out heaps good old fashioned ‘love’ feelings from Earlsferry to everyone .... wherever you are  on Mother Earth.    Love, Hugs and xxxx’s to you all. 
I can hardly believe it;  I slept in this morning .... until 07.45.    I must have really enjoyed myself last night because I fell asleep thinking of ‘The Royal Burgh’ and how lucky I am to live here in such an interesting auld place.    I wonder if I missed a bonnie sunrise this morning?    I’ll have to check the weather cams.
We have a nice enough h morning.... mostly overcast but dry and breezy.... a sort of ‘calm before the storm’ I suppose. 

It was cauld outside the car!
15.30      Having organised a chicken casserole I am having a cuppa before venturing down to the beach on what is now a bonnie afternoon.     It’s a bit breezy but doesn’t feel as cold as it was this morning... the tide should be half in at this time so there is a beach with firm sand.
I’ve had a fairly busy day so far but I need to get out for some exercise.... and the weather is fine.  The forecast for the next few days is not a pretty sight;  Sunday would appear to be the windiest day for our area.... Saturday being the wettest.

19.00     The chicken casserole is tasty and I had enough to make four frozen meals so the casserole has been a triumph.... now I shall settle down for the evening watching
I like the touch of colour added by the weak sun through the cloud.
the tele and working on the laptop.

Tomorrow will be a computer day... (in fact the next couple of days will be computer days) .... with a morning break for coffee.     I had a run out in the car instead of going to the beach;  it was spitting rain when I set off for the beach.    However I did have a walk down at the harbour.

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