Gorgeous morning ....

26th February 2020 (Wednesday)     08.00 .... it’s a gorgeous crisp start

Chapel Green end of the beach.
to the day after a light touch of frost.... and, as far as I can see we have a ‘wall to wall’ blue sky!   It looks like being a really bonnie day albeit a cold-ish one.   I’ll go for a wander after I’ve had a cuppa.... the tide should be half out so loads of beach.   I’ve just had a look at the weather cams and there are a few fluffy shower clouds on the Lochgelly cam;  photograph enhancers I call them though there could be light showers towards the West of Fife.   I have a small washing going through the machine;  it looks like being a good ‘drying day’ ....  it's all ‘go’  in 'Ivy Cottage'.    Slight flap on now .... the beach is calling me.

20.00    I am really tired tonight after a fairly busy day.   I walked to the Chapel Green end of the beach to get some photos of Chapel Green House with the demolition contractors stuff in the garden;   that was in the morning.   On the way home Jenny
Part of 'Links Road' - Earlsferry.
(Gilderdale) caught me up and was telling me that Chapel Green House had been her family home for many years.   It be will hard  on Jenny seeing her old home disappear;  however, even demolition contractors can’t demolish happy memories.

The Colinsburgh ‘Lite Bite’ Lunch was, as it always is, a lovely way to enjoy good food with friends.    It was great  seeing so many people turn up;  Lexie’s end of the table was awfie noisy... probably the noisiest in the hall..   I met Jim (Ednie) outside his ‘office’ on the way back to the car and he said he got the job at St Monans harbour finished this morning.   The tide came in and put a stop to proceedings yesterday.
When I got back to Ivy in the afternoon I went for a wander up to the golf course and
4th green Earlsferry Links.
along Grange Road for a change of scenery.... and to have a look at the new house replacing ‘Grangefield’ on Grange Road Earlsferry.   Living in Earlsferry has been like living on a building site for the past thirty years or more.   I’m just jealous.   Anyway there is much going on around ‘The Ferry’ all the time.

Tomorrow is going to be a rest day for this boy.... that said...I might get the bike out if it isn’t too windy and cold.     The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.... sunny but cold.... with a brisk wind.

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