Bonnie sunrise....

5th February 2020 (Wednesday)     09.00 .... We had a bonnie sunrise
Nice morning .... but cool.
this morning .... a mix of red and gold;   bonnie but ominous.    I enjoyed being on the beach early but I didn’t stay around as there is a cool breeze, though not too obvious in the lee of the dunes.    Marcia was out with the dogs and there was another dog walker going along the edge of the tide but there wisnae anyone building sand castles.   It’s a nice morning for being out;  well wrapped up.

Elie beach this afternoon.
11.30    Oh my word  .... ‘The Hutte’ is guilty of spreading ‘fake news.    Harbour House isn’t opening until tomorrow morning.    Apologies to anybody who was looking forward to morning coffee this morrrrrning;   I know that for a deflated person I don’t look very deflated but I had been looking forward to tormenting Laura and Brenda ... oops I mean morning coffee.   I met Geoff in ‘the ‘Paper Shop’ and we went to the Pavilion.... but I’m assured that ‘arbour ‘ouse is opening tomorrrrrow.   Fake news?     No.... well I don’t think so.

20.00     I am happy with today’s efforts ... at work that is.    My efforts at relaxing went
The Ferry beach.
‘a bit agley’.... although I did enjoy the chat and coffee in the ‘Pav’ with Geoff.    Myra... . our Leader ...  had to leave us to our own devices today as she was off on a mission.    Everything should be back to normal tomorrow.

At one time today I had a plan for tomorrow but I’ve forgotten what it was.    The new plan is to go to Elie for the paper, have morrrrning coffee, then do the ironing.    If it isn’t too breezy and cold I’ll get the bike out in the afternoon.    I intend visiting Jim on Friday.   Of course that might all change if I remember what the original plan was.

Graham asked me to place a couple of notices in the notice board outside the Ferry Hall this morrrrrning.   There was only one space and all the other notices were still ‘active’ however I managed to jiggle them about and get both notices in without obscuring any of the others.   (I think one of them goes out of date tomorrow.)   It’s good to see the board ‘full’ as it means there’s a lot going on;  I must read them more and keep up with what is going on around me.

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