Warm breeze ....

22nd January 2020 (Wednesday)       07.30 .... There’s a warm (for
Peaceful .... warm, morning.
January) breeze blowin’ and, though it’s still dark, there is the feel of a nice day ahead ..... but I’ve only been as far as the front gate.   Just now I’m having a cuppa before making myself ready for a slow daunder down to the beach before breakfast.

09.00    It is a bonnie day;   long sunny spells with a flock o’ cotton wool clouds bumbling across from the WNW.  The beach was quiet but I enjoyed a stroll along the tides edge.   Having checked the weather cams I knew that sunrise was going to happen behind low clouds but I like the fresh air.... and there is plenty of that on any beach.   Of course we have
Anstruther beach.
‘Royal’ air!    Must go...’slight flap on’ this morrrrning.... got to post a letter then get ready for the Guild Burns Lunch... 12.00 for 12.30.   I have a mug of tea to drink before‘flap state’ kicks in.

10.30    I went along to Anstruther to the Post Office so the ‘flap’ is over and all I need to do is get organised for the Guild Burns Lunch.    We are lucky with our weather;   a couple of miles inland the Balcarres Ridge is under low cloud.... it could be wet up there.   
I met Kathleen in Anstruther, she used to work at the Craw’s Nest but is enjoying retirement now.... sitting with a mug of coffee, and a cigarette, outside the coffee shop;  probably taking car numbers.

19.30    The Guild Burns Lunch was fantastical;  it was  a really friendly and pleasant
Perfect afternoon for a stroll along the beach.
commemoration of the Bard’s birthday.  The Guild girls had the setting just right, creating a real Scottish atmosphere for the occasion.   We are truly blessed with ‘our local girls’;  they do so much work so that we can have events such as we had today.   Irene was a lovely ‘Poosie Nancy’, Kenneth addressed the Haggis and Billy gave us ‘Holy Willies Prayer’ while Alistair played the fiddle and piano (not at the same time).    I’ve said this before but I’m going to say it again anyway;  we live in a beautiful corner of our planet but  the folk who live around us make our corner especial.   “Thank you” girls, and boys of the Guild xx.

Tomorrow is ‘must get a haircut day’ .... assuming Kirstie (the hairdresser) is working;  if she isn’t I’ll book a slot for sometime next week.   Our weather for tomorrow looks like being much the same as today’s with a fresher breeze.... I might get a wee bit done in the garden after I get back from Leven.

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