Feeling productive(ish) ....

20th January 2020 (Monday)     07.30 .... the sky is just beginning to turn
The sun beginning to appear over St Abbs head (08.29)
paler towards the East but I can see that it (the sky) is overcast, however the weather forecast is ‘good for this time of year’.   I will have to stay around Ivy today until DPD deliver my suitcase so the plan is to do some work around Ivy and on the computer.... though I’ll have a daunder down to the beach before breakfast:  I don’t think the DPD delivery will happen until later in the afternoon.    Must go ‘slight flap on’ .... I fancy a mug o’ coffee (made with a coffee bag).

09.30    I had the beach to myself which isn’t surprising because it is breezy, and cool, down there;  however I got a load of fresh air and a few sunrise time photos so I’m happy.   I’ll begin the remainder of my day with another cuppa .... and browse the photographs I got, before contemplating doing some work.

Blustery afternoon.
15.30    The delivery van arrived at 14.00 with my suitcase ....  finally bringing my Sussex ‘oliday to an end.   The case has been unpacked and, if it had been less windy I’d have gone out on the bike but there’s brisk wind from the WNW;  I went for a short run in the car instead.   I did a bit of ironing while waiting for the delivery so it has been a reasonably productive day but I didn’t do anything in the garden.   It’s too cold out!

17.00    Hmmmm ..... I haven’t done that much today but it hasn’t really been the kind of weather that encourages outdoor activities.    Tomorrow looks like being much the same.    I have a washing in the machine so I’ll do that and get it out .... rain isn’t mentioned in the weather forecast but a wind is so it should dry!

I see on the news that the cost of this HS2 rail link from London to Birmingham is now
Street names being repainted.
reaching astronomical levels .... all to ‘save’ 15 minutes!    Why don’t they reschedule the train time table so that the present trains depart 15 minutes sooner.   Okay they wouldn’t be ‘saving’ 15 minutes travelling time but they would arrive at their destination 15 minutes earlier!
I have nae plan for tomorrow .... apart from doing the washing, and pottering around Ivy.     The bike battery is fully charged and it’s ready to go but I very much doubt if I’ll get out on it tomorrow .... if the weather is as per forecast.
Our old style streets names are being repainted:  today I was talking to the sign painter doing them and he mentioned working with a Jack Smart from Kirkcaldy a few years ago.    Jack Smart and I were in the same class at Kirkcaldy Technical College a ‘few’ years ago, and he and I went to Sanderson’s Wallpaper factory (London) in 1956.... along with our tutor.   How time flies right enough.   This is the first person I have met that had actually worked with Jack.   I have never seen Jack since college though another painter told me (a number of years ago) that Jack had done his National Service on Christmas Island.   

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