Back at the Centre of the Universe ....

15th January 2020 Wednesday)  ..... 

19.00    I arrived back in the ‘Centre of the Universe’ around about 17.00 after an enjoyable journey home .... the new Azuma train does the London Kings X to Kirkcaldy journey 10 minutes faster than the ‘125..... even though it has to stick to the same speed limits as the 125.   The Azuma accelerates from a station faster and makes time up that way.    I must admit to being tired after fairly long day so I’ll be in bed early tonight.   

Michael and I left “No 1” at just before 07.00 this morning and had rain all the way to Tonbridge:  it was more like Scotch Mist than rain though it was proper rain when we were crossing over to Kings X from St Pancras.  The weather on the way up was mixed with rain at London then overcast followed by sunshine from Doncaster to Edinburgh:  Fife was overcast and it was spitting rain when I got off the train.

The box Janice and I posted on Monday afternoon was in the greenhouse when I got home so I’ll get that all sorted tomorrow.    My case leaves Uckfield late on Friday afternoon so I don’t expect to see it until Tuesday.

I’m going to make another cuppa before going through the mail that I have accumulated.   Irene and Ken were i/c Ivy when I was away so a big ‘Thank You’ to them .... and a few XXXXX’s;  for Irene!

I notice there’s a big drop in the temperature here compared to Sussex.... I’ll ne3ed to unearth the winter woollies!

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