Nice starry sky ....

17th January 2020 (Friday)     07.00 .... I’m ‘up and runnin’ and feeling
Minnie Alice and James Braid's headstone.
fresh and frisky after another good night’s sleep:  the washing is going through the machine and will be on the line before I go to Leven.    The weather forecast is good for the next few days albeit cauld and breezy.   The ‘plan’ is to get the shopping done reasonably quickly and to visit Jim about 10.30.

20.00    Jim was having his breakfast when I went to visit (I was earlier than I meant to be):  when I sat down at the table he looked up and said “oh... you’re back”.... and I had been worried that he might have forgotten me!    He scoffed his porridge to the last drop and that was quickly followed both of the goodies I’d taken in.... one for him and one for Grace, who is usually not far away.    This morning she was nowhere to be seen.... a bit like her goodie which was by this time a ‘thing of the past’.    Jim and I chatted for a while then he had to go to the toilet so I went and signed out .... after just over half an hour and came home.    It was good to see Jim .... and to find that he hadn’t forgotten me.

Elie Bay this afternoon.
By the time I got back to Ivy it was nearly lunch time;  by the time I’d gotten the messages put away it was lunch time, so I had a snack, sat down to watch the news on the tele and promptly fell fast asleep.   The plan for the afternoon was to go and see Ken and Irene but I remembered that this was the day that the girls golf .... so I went to the beach instead.

The beach was busy but it was a braw afternoon for a walk even though there was a brisk, cool, breeze from the Northwest.    I didn’t meet anyone on the beach.... and I didn’t recognise any of the dogs.   Local dog owners may be well wrapped up and unrecognisable from a distance, but their dogs are ‘weel kent’ dogs!

The I hung out was well dry by the end of the afternoon so I now have a wee ironing to
The Ferry beach this afternoon.
do.    I’ll do that tomorrow as I’m beginning to feel tired .... after a reasonably busy day.   No ‘plan’ for tomorrow but the weather forecast is good though it is supposed tom be cold.   It isn’t cold just now.... the wind had dropped to nigh on a whisper and it was 10c when I looked at the garden thermometer a couple of hours ago.

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