Bright, breezy and cold ....

27th January 2020 (Tuesday)     09.00 ....  “Happy Birthday Marcia” xx
West Shore - Pittenweem.

... have  some fun on this especial day. 
 It is bright and breezy  this morning but awfie cauld... not a day for pottering around on the beach!   So I didn’t.    Instead I went  to the harbour in the car;  it was probably caulder there than on the beach!      It’s a good drying day so I have a washing going through the machine.    Food!    I need food... and a cuppa.

12.00    I am not long back from ‘The Braes’ ... and harbour at Pittenweem.   The plan, when I left Ivy, was to go to Gillingshill Nature Reserve and have a wander in the den, out of the wind.... so I end up at Pittenweem where there’s a gale blawin’.    The wind is bad at the top where you park the car (the Braes Car Park) but the coastal path that
Now that is a washing line!
takes you down to the village is in the lee of the braes so it’s sheltered and it wisnae that bad;  I wanted to get a photo of the Fishermen’s Memorial to print off to let Jim see.    Mission accomplished and I am now ready for a lite lunch.   

16.00    We’ve had a lovely day albeit a cold one;  that said the wind moderated in mid afternoon and it was pleasant on the beach.... although the temperature has dropped considerably today .... its cold enough to feel wintry;  it’s 3c  on the garden thermometer just now so it could be frosty tonight.   In fact the weather forecast continues to have a sleet/snow showers yellow warning out for ‘KY9’ through to 10.00 tomorrow morning.... but that will be for the high ground I imagine.    Oh .... the washing dried in ‘nae time’ today, all I need to do is iron it.

19.00    Although I woke feeling sluggish this morning I’ve had a reasonably active
Looking towards 'The Braes' ... the is parked beside the toilet block.
and fruitful day:  active as in ‘going out to play’ (though I never did get to Gillingshill), fruitful as in ‘working on the computer’.    I feel satisfied and even a wee bit tired.    I still have photographs to print off to let Jim see;  so that is next on the agenda.   Tomorrow?..... all the weather forecasts that I look at tell me it’s going to be cold so the bike won’t be coming out;   it could be a good day for visiting Jim.   In the meantime another cuppa is called for;  I’ll fire up the printer first.

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