Not warm and sunny....

29th August 2017 (Tuesday) .... 09.00    Oh dearie me .... it’s cauld this mornin’... in fact the place not to be is down at the harbour, ‘cos it’s really cold in the
Down among the rocks at Chapel Green.
wind.   So where have I been?   Yep ... doon at the harbour.   

 It’s overcast, windy (good drying wind) and cold though the sun should break through by lunch time.    I’m going to go for a walk in Balcarres den ....out of the wind among the trees.    Must go, ‘slight flap on’... nearly forgot to have breakfast!

29th August 2017 (Tuesday) .... 09.00    Oh dearie me .... it’s cauld this mornin’... in fact the place not to be is down at the harbour, ‘cos it’s really cold in the wind.   So where have I been?   Yep ... doon at the harbour.   

 It’s overcast, windy (good drying wind) and cold though the sun should break through by lunch time.    I’m going to go for a walk in Balcarres den ....out of the wind among the trees.    Must go, ‘slight flap on’... nearly forgot to have breakfast!

19.00    Although I did ‘walk’ the Balcarres Den from Robin Gray’s cottage, I wouldn’t recommend this ‘Den Walk’... on two counts.    First the bridge, just up from Robin Gray’s, has reached the state of being dangerous to cross ... there are Warning notices, and the path is badly overgrown and muddy,.... oops .... that’s three counts.     Having said that I did enjoy the challenge, but, if I do it again before the winter, I’ll use the
Balcarres Den.
Roe Deer path... which is more challenging but misses out the fallen bridge.   I was rather unlucky today as a heavy shower of rain passed over just as I arrived at Robin Gray’s...  hence the mud.   I didn’t have my phone with me as it was on charge,, but I reckon the distance walked to be about 2 miles.   The knee hat I suspect needs to be replaced stood up well to the effort, though it will be tired tomorrow.    Tomorrow I’ll bike more and walk less.    My next decent walk will be the ‘eleeven trees’ road then back home along the top of the cliffs.   I forgot to mention that I also walked up to Chapel Green by way of the beach today.    I am ready for my bed tonight.

Once again the evening had been the best part of the day .... bright and sunny, but not
Balcarres Mains Farm Cottages.
as warm as we’d like it to be.
The city Houston, Texas is getting its share of rainfall ... and then some.    It’s hard to imagine a metre of water falling in a couple of days, but it has;  it must be frightening for the residents of the city that have been caught up in the floods.

‘Nae plans’ for tomorrow, but I don’t think that I’ll be in a hurry to extricate myself from my bed somehow.

Photographs : Top – The Beacon from the Chapel green rocks, Middle –  green is Balcarres Den, and Bottom – Balcarres Mains Farm Cottages.

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