Intermittent heavy thundery showers .....

23rd August 2017 (Wednesday) ... 07.30    Wellll ... that was what I’d call a proper deluge, at 07.16 ....  it, the rain, started suddenly, lasted for a couple of
Elie (08.30)
minutes then stopped as suddenly as it had started,  but a lot of water dropped out of the sky in that short time.     The sky is still grey and ominous looking so we could get more of the same.    It is forecast to clear away by midday.    I might chance it, and take a walk down to the beach after breakfast.

20.00    A balmy afternoon more than made up for the overcast morning;   we didn’t have any more rain after that early downpour, though we did get some rain on the way to Leven to do Jimmy’s shopping.    By the time we got back to Elie and Earlsferry the sky was showing signs of breaking up.... though there was the look of thunder towards the Southeast.    I went on to the ‘Live Lightning’ site and lo and behold, there was a big storm bubbling up over the Northeast of England ....  it is still active, but has drifted out into the North Sea, off the coast of Yorkshire.

Chapel Green, Earlsferry this afternoon.
ith the afternoon being so clement, I decided to fill up the flasks, phone Jimmy to waken him up, and ask him if he fancied a cuppa up Maggie’s Seat.    He has been sleeping right enough but was happy to come out on what was a really lovely quiet, and warm afternoon.

Chapel Green was busy, as was Elie Bay....the Bay with nautical action going on all over the place.... including creel boats, fishing boats after squid (that’s the ‘catch’ just now), and pleasure boats of all descriptions.    Loads of folk were out walking around Chapel Green area, this meant plenty of chat;  it was a really relaxing  way to spend an afternoon.    Growing old is easy... having to slow down is a nuisance, but I’m liking ‘old’.

The local ant’s nest (local to Ivy) erupted into nuptial flight this afternoon... right
Jimmy ... on Alice's Seat.
enough it was perfect conditions it:   I had Queen ants, some with suitors attached, others with suitors in close proximity, settling on Ivy Cottage  to er ... get round to mating.    I had a thought..... “this is the Royal Burgh, it’s good to see our Royal ants enjoying themselves”.    After all their shenanigans I suspect we shall have new ant’s nests next year.  
I think tomorrow could be a ‘get up and out early’ morning;  the weather forecast is ‘warm with long sunny spells’ with the, almost mandatory, chance of showers in the afternoon.

Photographs :  Top - Bonnie but ominous looking sky over The Toft, Middle – Two ladies enjoying the afternoon on Chapel green, and Bottom – Jimmy doing likewise.

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