Earlsferry Passage race .....

27th August 2017 (Sunday) ....  08.30   There’s more cloud about this morning, and it feels cooler...  a nice morning for being active.   There should be early, big yacht, activity down at the harbour;   today is the ‘Earlsferry Passage’ race, when the yachts from Elie and Earlsferry, race against the yachts from North Berwick.    Yachts leave both harbours at the same time, sail across the Firth, stop for lunch at the ‘opposition’ Clubhouse then sail back to their home base.   With a good breeze forecast,  there should be some enjoyable sailing.

27th August 2017 (Sunday) ....  08.30   There’s more cloud about this morning, and it feels cooler...  a nice morning for being active.   There should be early,
Elie Bay at 10.30.
big yacht, activity down at the harbour;   today is the ‘Earlsferry Passage’ race, when the yachts from Elie and Earlsferry, race against the yachts from North Berwick.    Yachts leave both harbours at the same time, sail across the Firth, stop for lunch at the ‘opposition’ Clubhouse then sail back to their home base.   With a good breeze forecast, there should be some enjoyable sailing.

20.00    The place to be today was Elie Harbour... I don’t think I have ever seen the harbour area as busy as it was today.    The ‘bay’ was busy with water sports, and, when the tide went out we had ‘cricket on the beach’ courtesy of the ‘Ship Inn’.

The ‘Earlsferry Passage’ yachts set off from both shores of the Firth at 10.30.... unfortunately the wind dropped away to a smirr after about an hour, and they had to
"Mystique" - from St Monans.
motor across for the first leg;  which didn’t count for the race, but got the crews to the ‘oppositions’ club house for lunch.    I went home for lunch and was back down at the harbour in time to catch the North Berwick yachts setting off for home at 15.00;  the Elie yachts set sail from North Berwick at the same time.   The wind didn’t let them down this time so this leg was the race.    I don’t know when they arrived back, but it must have been round about 18.00....  I also don’t know who ‘won’.    I’ll find all that out tomorrow.

I did get some nice photographs of the Elie yachts setting off, and of the North Berwick ones starting for home.    This should keep me happy for a few rainy days.   Not that
Nameless Elie yacht.
I’m expecting, nor wanting, rain.... but it could happen.
This has been a busy, and really pleasurable day... I still have most of the photographs to sort out:   there’s a good chance that tomorrow’s photographs will also be of ‘today’.... as in Sunday.

The weather forecast is for us to have more in the way of cloud, but could we get lucky, in our wee corner of the planet, and have another lovely day?    Yes?   I think we could do with, and deserve, more sunny days!

Photographs : Top – The Elie yachts getting ready for the start of the race at 10.30, Middle – ‘Mystique’ a yacht from St Monans, not taking part bin the race, but enjoying the company, and Bottom –  a ‘nameless’ Elie yacht;  it must have a ‘name’, but  doesn’t have a name painted on it, anywhere.   That’s another thing I’ll have to find out tomorrow.

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