Bonnie .. get stuff done ... day ....

15th August 2017 (Tuesday) ...08.30    There’s a lot of cloud about, and I have a washing to hang out:  it looks like we could get showers but I’m going to hang
"Shearwater II" at the creels.
it (the washing) out anyway, and hope the showers miss us.    There is ‘bloo’ sky to the West .... and ... it’s coming our way! 

HMS Queen Elizabeth (aircraft carrier) is in the English Channel making for her home port Portsmouth, ... arriving there early tomorrow, Wednesday, morning.     Heavy lift vessel Albatross remains moored up off Corpus Christi.

The washing is ‘out’;  now I’m going to have a walk down to the beach, have a cuppa when I get back to Ivy, then do some ‘ousework.  

Elie Church tower from Chapel Ness.
15.00    Oh my word .... this is ‘ree-dic-u-liss’, the shade temperature in  Ivy garden is 23c;  that’s Okay for mad dogs and Englishmen, (Noel Coward), but not for this Scottish Boy who likes cool!     Here are the first two verses of “Mad Dogs and Englishmen”.

Mad Dogs And Englishmen    Noel Coward
In tropical climes there are certain times of day
When all the citizens retire to tear their clothes off and perspire.
It's one of the rules that the greatest fools obey,
Because the sun is much too sultry
And one must avoid its ultry-violet ray.
The natives grieve when the white men leave their huts,
Because they're obviously, definitely nuts!
Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun,
The Japanese don´t care to, the Chinese wouldn´t dare to,
Hindus and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one
But Englishmen detest-a siesta.
In the Philippines they have lovely screens to protect you from the glare.
In the Malay States, there are hats like plates which the Britishers won't wear.
At twelve noon the natives swoon and no further work is done,
But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

22.00     Apart from a couple of  fairly heavy, but very short showers, we have had a braw summer’s day.... and a drying one.    Tomorrow is forecast to be much the same.
I’ve had a ‘ousework day , doing the kitchen and bathroom, then  washing the lobby
South Street, Elie houses overlooking the bay - and harbour
floors ... oh, .... and I pulled a few weeds.      It was too hot to do a lot of weeding, so I retired to the Hutte and did a Soduko.

Jim, Jimmy and I (Last of the Summer Wine) had our weekly evening sorting out ‘things local’;  not there’s ever anything ‘sorted’ but we do cover a lot of ‘local history’.

Photographs : Top – “Shearwater II” at the creels, Middle – Elie church tower from Chapel Ness, and Bottom – South Street Elie houses that overlook the bay.

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