Lovely autumnal morning ....

31st August 2017 (Thursday) .... 08.00    I went out early because it looked like a ‘reflection’ morning, but there’s enough of a breeze to ruffle the water so
Kincraig cliffs.
nae reflections.    It’s a gorgeous, albeit autumnal, morning nonetheless, and I enjoyed biking up to Chapel Green, .... and, with a bit of luck, the wind might  drop to zero by the time I get back from Leven.   

  20.30      The wind never dropped to zero, so nae reflection photographs today;   in fact it was quite breezy in the afternoon.... but pleasant.    There were showers over towards Falkland, but they didn’t come our way.

I had a happy time in Sainsbury’s... mostly because the list I wrote last night remained where I wrote it... on the computer desk!    This meant I had to browse every aisle;  interesting enough but it could get expensive.   I celebrated this successful mission with a ‘Flat White’ in the Cafe... and a chat with the man at the next table.   I was back in Ivy, with the messages ‘away’ by 10.00;  in time to get the kettle ‘on’ for Jimmy to have his morning cuppa.

Elie harbour beach.
Before going along to the Drop in Cafe I put a beef casserole in the oven... the plan being to have casserole for my dinner, and freeze two as ‘ready’ meals.    I bought three of Sainsbury’s ready meals;  I especially like their Duck in Plum sauce, and the Crispy Chicken,  so I bought one each of those...  also a Cumberland Pie to ‘try’.    
It’s great having the ‘Drop in Cafe’ up and running again;  it was good catching up with everyone after the summer break.   Instead of a monetary  donation, we donated some tins etc to go to the food bank in Anstruther.   Quite frankly I don’t think there should be a requirement for Food Banks in the UK. The fact that they exist does not reflect well on our politicians.  

The weather for next couple of days is forecast to be of the excellent kind;  i.e bright and sunny with the threat of showers tomorrow, with the same on Saturday.    It will
Elie from the harbour rocks.
remain on the cool side of cool in the early mornings.
Hey I can moor the car up at the gate tomorrow, and for the next nine months;  this means that  stress levels will go down to normal levels again.    Finding parking places this summer has been a lottery.

Photographs : Top – Early morning sunlit cliffs, Middle –Elie harbour beach,  and Bottom – Elie from the harbour rocks.    I’m wondering what  the concrete slab in the foreground was used for?   The ‘paper burning cage’ was on the south facing wall;  you can see where that wall was patched up because of the damage caused by the heat.

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