Bright and breezy .... not raining!

17th August 2017 (Thursday)  ... 09.00     This morning we have, near enough, a ‘wall to wall’ hazy, blue sky;  a bonnie, ‘bright and breezy’ start to
"Alba Na Mara"
Thursday.    I’ve been out (bike) and, being that I am feeling energetic, I’ll take advantage of the weather and go out again this morning:   the forecast for Friday (tomorrow) is not good.

21.00    I have just realised that we haven’t had and rain today;  now I’ll have the worry about having to water the garden!    Yes we have had a lovely day.... and I did get out on the bike again;   up to Chapel Green in the evening to get the sunlit village from a different angle .... and some more photos of ‘The Trinq’ at the bottom of the Doom/Dome Park.    It’s probably ‘Doom’ as human bones were unearthed when they were ploughing it to plant potatoes during WWII.    Might the humans bones be  the remains of pilgrims who expired in the Earlsferry Chapel Hospital?     They would have to be buried somewhere.... and, I suspect that, with over the 300 years ‘worth’ of pilgrims, quite a number would die in the ‘hospital’.

It was too warm for me to go out in the afternoon, even though I did have sun cream on my face.    Instead, I pottered around the garden.    My roses have had a bad year with ‘black spot’;   caused by the wet summer.    This means a serious pruning, and clearing away of the dead leaves etc then spraying with fungicide .   I’ll have to keep an eye on them, the roses, next year, and nip any signs of black spot as soon as it shows.    The only plants to have enjoyed this summer would appear to be the weeds ... er native flora.

The Scottish Marine Research vessel, ‘Alba Na Mara’, is on an East Coast Scallop
The Dome, or Doom Park, Earlsferry.
Survey;  taking, and checking, samples from the
Orkney's down to the Firth of Forth.    It will be interesting to see what the outcome of this is.   ‘She’ is  anchored off St Andrews tonight.

Rain is forecast for tomorrow morning, with a more broken sky and spells of sunshine by midday .... maybe.    No wonder my roses have black spot.

Photographs : Top – The Scottish Marine Research vessel “Alba Na Mara” leaving Largo Bay, Middle – The Trinq and Walkers Rock, and Bottom – The Doom/Dome Park.

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