Ants nest .....

16th August 2017 (Wednesday) ... 10.00    I’ve been out early on what is my favourite kind of morning;   calm and peaceful.    I went along to Elie, for
Elie Granary.... now flats.
the papers, then down to the harbour to get a few ‘reflection’ photographs:  not that I need them .... I already have hundreds ... but our villages do bonnie reflections.    From the harbour I sped(?) along to Chapel Green to get some photos of Captain Latto, who was setting creels close into Walker’s Rock.  

When I was taking the Chapel Green photos I suddenly became aware of a cloud of insects flying around my head... ants doing their nuptial flight!    I was ‘stood staunin’  smack on top of their nest.    I moved away from them, 30 metres or so, but they followed me;  some Queens  had landed on  my hat and jacket, and the males, who were ‘in love’, followed ‘my’ Queens.   After shaking the ants orf I moved a further 10 metres away... nae ants.     Luckily, being ‘in love’ they had other things on their minds so weren’t biting.

20.00     Jimmy ran out of the porridge cartons that he prefers.....and the best place to buy then is the ‘Bargain Store’ in Leven.... so that is where we went this morning:  getting back to Elie, with just enough time for me, to get the bike into the shed before the rain arrived.    Since then we’ve had a funny kind of day..... mostly overcast, with occasional spells o’ rain.    
The villages are still busy with holiday makers, though I think it should quieten down after this next weekend.    Oh that reminds me:   this afternoon,  I’d fallen asleep watching the tele .... and, thinking I’d been asleep for about an hour and a half, I went out  to the gate to ‘waken up’.   I hadn’t noticed two holiday makers coming Ferry Road, and when I turned round... well, I very suddenly ‘woke up’.     How long had I been asleep? .... ten minutes.   I made a cuppa, and
Captain Latto in his creel boat "Pursuit".
trimmed my beard.    Not at the same time!

I had a wander down to, and along, the beach in the evening, and was surprised to find that others had the same idea;  probably glad to get out after the rain.   It wasn’t that warm on the beach ... the wind was from the Southeast.    Tomorrow is supposed to be brighter ... i.e. more, and longer spells of sunshine.

Photographs : Top – Elie Granary, Middle – Elie from the pier,  and Bottom – Captain Latto off the Dome Park in  his creel boat, “Pursuit”.

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