Silly boy ....

3rd July 2017 (Monday ... 09.30     I am annoyed with myself this bonnie morrrrrrning!    Last night when I went to bed, HMS Queen Elizabeth was ‘messing
HMS Queen Elizabeth in the Firth of Forth.
about in the North Sea, off Aberdeen:   I thought to myself “she will come into the Firth early on Monday” .... and she did.    I woke up at 05.00 and didn’t check AIS to see where she was;  if I had I’d have seen that she was coming into the Firth.    As it was when I eventually got ‘up’ at 06.30 and checked AIS she was past the ‘villages;   however I got a few photos of ‘her’ making for her moorings off Kirkcaldy/Kinghorn.... and had a nice walk.

14.00    Why is it that road works always seem to take place at holiday time?      The Cupar roundabout at the top of Scoonie Brae in Leven has ‘works’ going on, controlled by a three way set of traffic lights.    With this being the ‘holiday season’  the roads are busier than usual so there was a ‘hold up’.... but I have experienced worse.     Jimmy is well stocked up with ‘provisions’ again.... enough for two weeks; 
Grangehill, Earlsferry.
enough to see him through the duration of the road-works..... maybe!

19.30    Once again I’m shattered .... its the ‘Tour de France’ .... watching them (the cyclists) do the hill climbs fair takes it oot o’ me... and they haven’t reached the mountains yet!   I have another three weeks of ‘suffering’ to go!     I do some work in between ‘watching sessions’;   today I pulled a few more weeds.    I did think of getting the bike out but couldn’t find my ‘Lycra’s’.

We had two fledgling Yellow Hammers in the garden today;  sadly one of them looks like it is ‘sick’, and most likely won’t survive.     This is the first Yellow Hammer young I have seen in the garden..... it is strange that we do have them in the garden;   they are birds of the hedgerows really.   One of our Robin’s, ‘Blobette’, has been seen twice
Beach huts.
today;  but so far nae sign o’ ‘Blob’.
The weather is not going to be  ‘great’ tomorrow .... on two counts:   1.    We could get some rain, and  2.  what wind there is is going to be light, but, unfortunately,  from the East.    I shall extricate myself from my bed early and get out before any rain that might come our way.

Photographs : Top – HMS Queen Elizabeth sneaks into the Firth, Middle – Grangehill, Earlsferry, and Bottom – Beach huts.

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