Dreich morrrrrrning ...

26th July 2017 (Wednesday) ....A few minutes ago I was ‘stood staunin’ in the kitchen, waiting on the kettle boiling, thinking to myself .... “I’m glad that I went
Twenty minutes before it started to rain.
out early to pick up the papers, otherwise I’d have got wet” .... when two boys, about eight of nine years old I’d guess, wrapped up against the rain, golf bags on their backs, unwillingly made their way, up Ferry Road.   Yes it’s a morning for not being two places ... the beach being the other one.     The weather should clear up in the afternoon.

20.30    The rain did clear away by mid afternoon, and we had had a bonnie, if windy, afternoon and evening.    I went down just as the rain was clearing.... you always get an interesting sky and light at that time.... and got some bonnie photos on the beach.   The beach became busy very quickly;  with folk enjoying a walk after a morning stuck inside:  I know that I was
After the rain.
enjoyed being down there..... loads of people to talk too!     Two lassies I talked to were amazed at how quickly the sky was changing .... and it was.... with heavy showers running along the ‘sooth’ side of the Firth.  
Jimmy came along in the afternoon,.... after doing his ‘morning’ walk in the afternoon.... and was well ready for an afternoon cuppa.   I was able to tell him, (Jimmy) that Jim and Myra haven’t been on holiday;  they’ve been busy with ‘kirk stuff’.    There’s much going on with the kirk just now;   so much that I can’t keep up with it all.    I should go to the kirk more often to find out, but I keep doing ‘pagan’ things, .... like looking at clouds etc.

In spite of the weather being ‘iffy’ a lot of the time, this has been a fast day for me.
The Ferry beach.
    Not that I have done very much physical stuff, but I have sorted out some photographs on the computer.... and kept my ‘eye’ on HMS Queen Elizabeth;   “she” continues ‘testing’ her ‘bits and pieces’ up in the Cromarty Firth.   ‘Albatross’  (with oil rig)  has to be well into the Gulf of Mexico by now .... ‘she’ docks in Corpus Christi at 08.00 on the 28th.    They are six hours behind us, so that will be 14.00 our time... I think.
Tomorrow’s weather is to be ‘sunny and warm’ with the chance of showers.

Photographs : Top – the beach, before the rain came,  Middle and Bottom – the beach after the rain.

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