Feeling a tad skittish .....

29th July 2017 (Saturday)  09.30   .....  I’ve been down on the beach, and done a washing ... now I feel like going out to play.    There’s a braw, slightly autumnal
Earlsferry beach at 07.30 this morning.

feel to the air this morning;   and a flock of 50 or so Merganser has moved into the bay,  a sure sign of Autumn just round the corner.    The ‘gorgeousness’ of the morning has me feeling a tad ‘skittish’.... I must go ‘out to play’.

20.30     Welllll ....  that was exhilarating.     I went out to photograph a dark, and huge, shower cloud that was coming over....but I underestimated the speed at which it was ‘coming over’.    By the time I got to the top of the Quarry it has started to rain and I was only able to ‘grab’ two quick photographs before the rain became heavy.    I got the camera into its bag, then put my
Chapel Green from the bottom of Ferry Wynd
jacket on;   the amazing thing is that I actually enjoyed being out in it ... the rain i.e.;   which, by this time, had reached deluge proportions.      Who said it never rains on the golf course?.... it does!     By the time I’d meandered ... er... hurried back to Ivy I was soaked to the skin from the waist down;  but I was happy.    The soaking brought back memories of walking the dogs, and biking, in all weathers.    I did intend going out after the shower had passed over, but another one came along so ‘going out’ this evening has been cancelled;   it has turned out a miserable kind of evening actually.   I’ll have a hot bath instead.

I’ve had an enjoyable day, working around the garden, and doing some ‘ousework  most of the day, the ‘plan’ being to go out in the evening.    I suppose I could have an
I was about to get wet .... very wet.
‘early’ night after my bath .... then get up early tomorrow morning.    The forecast isn’t that good for the early ‘early morning’, but it should be fine by 08.00..... maybe.
At the moment I don’t have a real ‘plan’ for tomorrow;   the ‘kirk’ is at Elie, but I don’t think I’m up for that yet.    Jimmy wants to go shopping sometime so we might do that.... depends on the weather.    Shopping is a ‘wet weather’ mission.... and we usually end up sitting having a cuppa in Sainsbury’s.

Photographs : Top and Middle – taken this morning, and Bottom – taken just before the rain turned from ‘rain’ to ‘heavy rain.

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