Oh dear .... much dampness ....

23rd July 2017 (Sunday)  08.30 ....Oh my word .... we have mist, with heavy downpours at times.... not my favourite driving weather.    However the forecast is for
Crathes School play area.
the rain to clear away by mid morning... which is when I intend setting orf.     Right now I would get soaked taking my holdall etc. out to the car;   the rain gives me loads of time for another cuppa.

19.30   I arrived back in “The Royal Burrow” at 14.45 after a pleasant journey down.    The weather was dry all the way down, in fact the sun was shining when I passed through in Inverurie;  but it was overcast again (but dry) by the time I got to Dunecht.  The top of the Cairn o’ Mount, was thick with cloud;   but, after travelling quarter of a mile down the south side of the ‘Cairn o’ Mount’ the sun could be seen lighting up the Howe o’ the Mearns.    Although we had torrential rain in the early morning up at Auchnagatt, by the time I left it was dry;   the only actual rain spots I felt all day were in ‘the Royal Burgh’ when walking down the High Street after ‘mooring up’ the car.

Old house at Spital Burn.
For some unknown reason I ended up in Laurencekirk;  I don’t know how I managed it.    It turned out fine because I was able to drop in to Stracathro Services for a rest and something to eat.    I can’t do “Peggy Scott’s” travelling south...  the traffic on the north bound lane puts me orf.... and when you come out of “Peggy Scott’s” you have to travel up the north lane for a few hundred yards before getting back into the southbound lane.    This is why I use Strathcathro when I’m travelling south.    Having said that there is a “McDonald's” at the Glamis junction;   I’ll use it the next time I travel south on the A90.   

I also stopped at Crathes School, and at Spital Burn bridge, on the Cairn o’ Mount road, to get a few photos;   with one final stop, at Tesco’s in Cupar to buy milk etc.
‘This Boy’ is going to be early in bed tonight.... I am beginning to feel weary, and in
Spital Burn bridge on the Cairn 'o Mount road.
need of some serious sleep.

Tomorrow morning I have a blood test appointment at the Surgery;  the weather forecast is good so I’ll walk along.    Apart from that, and doing a washing, I have ‘nae plans’ for tomorrow as yet.

Photographs : Top – Crathes School.    This flat bit at the top left, where the ‘quines’ played ‘hoosies’ in the summer time;  the hollow down the middle is where the big ‘loons’ made their slide in the winter time.   The grass, and the ground froze solid, and it took ‘nae time for the big ‘loons’ wi’ their “tackety beets”,to make a very slippery, and long slide, Middle – the old house at the Spital Burn Bridge and Bottom – the Spital Burn bridge.

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