Hmmmm ... it was a short summer

25th July 2017 (Tuesday)    08.30 .... The villages were quiet when I went out this morning.... at 05.45 on the bike.   I’ve done the whole length from Chapel
Elie Harbour.

Green to the end of Elie Pier and all my usual stopping places in between.    Primrose was down at the harbour walking the dog, and a couple of blokes taking their speedboat out to deep water moorings;   and seven Eider duck paddling their way from the harbour over to the Cockstail Rocks. . 

It’s overcast and there’s a cool easterly breeze, but the ‘auld place’ looks bonnie just the same.

21.30    It has been ‘drab’ weather today;   until late in the afternoon, when it  brightened up.    I drove Jimmy up to St Andrews in the morning, and drove through heavy ‘Scotch Mist’ at Largoward.   Jimmy needed food from the ‘Bargain Store’ in Leven so we went straight to Leven after the Hospital.    By this time it was raining;   a ‘dreich’ day.   Evening time has been the best part of today as far as the weather goes.
Walking the dog .... Elie style!
The ironing I was going to do tomorrow, has been done .... it was an ironing kind of afternoon.     Now the thing is;   what am I going to do tomorrow, when the rain that has been forecast arrives? 
HMS Queen Elizabeth is still testing up in the Cromarty Firth;   I should think she might come into the Firth of Forth when she is finished;   before she departs for Portsmouth.    I still can’t bring up “Albatross” (with oil rig) on AIS .... she should be entering the Gulf of Mexico soon.

Jimmy and I were one short for our weekly Tuesday ‘discussion evening’,   Jim and
Myra must be on holiday, because they haven’t been seen for a few days ... and neither has the ‘Royal’ car been seen, poodling it’s was through the villages.    I must remember to tell Jim that I saw a Fritillary butterfly up at Chapel Green yesterday;   this is the first ‘Royal’ one .... Jim and I have seen, and photographed them out at Ruddon’s Point.

I don’t think that I will be ‘up and about’ at the crack o’ dawn tomorrow morning... in fact, I suspect that a ‘sleep in’ might be in order.    Although the rain isn’t forecast to arrive until 07.11, it will be windy and overcast, .... once again evening time will be the best part of ‘the day’.

Photographs : Top – Elie Harbour, Middle – this is dog walking Elie style, and Bottom – Elie Harbour.

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