Storm "Doris" .....

23rd February 2017 (Thursday) .... 09.30    Wellll ....’Storm Doris’ has
Largo Law had a dusting of snow this morning.
arrived.    I wouldn’t call the maist attractive of ‘storms’;   she’s dull, windy and very wet .... we have sleet mixed in with the rain:  definitely a day for scoffing Lemon Meringue Pie!  

 I’ve been up to Elie for the paper (in the car;  and down to the harbour.    It was quiet ....“very quiet” down at the harbour... ‘Doris’ and I were the only ‘ones’ down there;   hardly surprising ‘cos ‘Doris’ isn’t exactly a lovable kind of ‘girl’:   being bothered with the aforementioned, wind,....  and water!    Must ‘go’... slight flap on;  got a meringue pie to organise for Jimmy’s morning cuppa!

Elie Harbour.
20.30      Mmmmmm .... ‘today’ has been drab to say the least:  luckily we had the ‘Drop in Cafe’ to brighten our afternoon:   and, by the time I left the ‘cafe’ the rain had stopped, the wind had moderated, though still drab, at least it wasn’t raining so, as per routine after the ‘cafe’, Jimmy and I went down to the harbour.    I wandered around with the camera, while Jimmy did the sensible thing .... he sat in the car out of the cold wind.    By the time I’d finished my wandering, we were ready for a cuppa.
I nearly forgot:   with our morning cuppa, Jimmy and I each had a quarter of the “Lemon Meringue Pie”... only it wasn’t a Lemon Meringue Pie ... it was a Lemon Cheese Cake:  made with Sicilian lemons (that seemed to be important according to the blurb on the box)!     It tasted braw, but, having checked the number of calories ( er ... numerous;  412 calories  per quarter portion to be ‘iggzact’) we decided to have the other two ‘quarters’ tomorrow!

There’s a frost warning out for tonight;   for that reason we, presumably, can look
Berwick Law  on the south side of the Firth.
forward to a brighter morning, and day, tomorrow.    I imagine it, the frost, probably won’t affect us here, at the Centre of the Universe!     There was a thin covering of snow on Largo Law, with ‘proper’ snow further West on the Lomond’s... and Glenrothes:   very wintry looking to be sure.

Photographs : Top – Largo Law from Elie Harbour, Middle – Elie Harbour, and Bottom -  Berwick Law (on the South side of the Firth at small town of “North Berwick.”  North Berwick was the other end of the ferry passage that gave “Earlsferry”, (the “Royal Burgh” of) its name.

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