Bleak looking morning ......

9th February 2017 (Thursday) .... 09.00   Mmmmmm .... we have a grey, cold and bleak looking morrrrrrrrrrning;   and, to crown it all, I’m having a ‘bad hair’ day.... this is not good.   It isn’t raining.... this is good!    

Though not a day for walking I will go out for some exercise, .... as far as the Civic
Craters of the moon NZ.

  22.30     I could hardly believe it this morning ..... I went  out walking and was able to ‘stride out’ with no breathing problems at all;   this is the first time I have been able to do so since I arrived in Sussex .... obviously the pollution levels, that have been bothering me, have dropped dramatically.     The wind has been from the Northeast, feels fresh .... and is cauld;  in fact it felt Scottish”!    Today’s walk included “London Road”.... usually heavy with traffic fumes.

Pauline and Geoff came visiting this today, bringing lunch... and ‘Pauline Chocolate Cake’ with them ....both lunch and cake were duly despatched, and “Puku” is
Sky over Nelson NZ
contented yet again:  a state of affairs that will cease next week!  There’s much needing done at Ivy, and the effort required should burn orf “Puku”, albeit slowly.    Jimmy has checked “The Hutte” and it is ready for occupation... but there’s no sign of “Blob”.     Filling the bird feeders will be the first ‘mission’:  getting ‘Sooper Buggy’ moving, which might be a challenge, the next!

If the weather, and the air, is suitable tomorrow I might go for a decent walk:  the weather forecast isn’t that great, but having enjoyed walking today I want to take advantage of the clear air.    Having said that I had a migraine this evening ..... something that hasn’t bothered me often down
Kilconquhar Loch from the kir tower.
here in sunny Sussex.
We’ve been watching “The Persuaders” tonight, a TV programme made in the early seventies!    Nostalgic or what!

Photographs : rather than upload the greyness of today, I’m uploading warm and sunny pictures: - Top – “The Mountains of the Moon” New Zealand, Middle – Nelson sky (South Island NZ), and Bottom – West end of Kinneuchar Loch from the kirk tower.

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