Gorgeous, but breezy, day .....

20th February 2017 (Monday)    14.00 ... we have a lovely day, but very windy, however it isn’t that cold... even exposed to the wind.    I walked along the
Earlsferry beach this morning.
beach to the “Paper Shop” in Elie, first thing this morning... at that time the sky was overcast with clouds scuttling over from the West.     Since then the clouds have melted away, and we have 90% ‘bloo’ sky... but the wind has increased to round about F7.... but it’s warm.   It’s 13c in Ivy garden.

Jimmy and I went along to Leven to do some shopping ... in Lidl’s for a change.    I got Persil washing powder considerably cheaper than it would have been in Sainsbury’s , and dish washer tablets, also cheaper.    Of course I offset the bargains by buying a stock of plain biscuits etc!... and a packet o’ Japanese ‘monkey nuts’ covered in Wasabi flavoured green stuff:  this has turned out to be very ‘nippy’, and excellent for clearing the tubes!     Probably make no bad paint remover too!

Elie kirk.
21.30    I’m finally ‘back to “my” normal’ .... I got ‘up’ when “Wallace and Gromit” fired up (05.40) ... which was more than an hour and a half before sunrise.     I did things... and ate things, before going out for the paper.
Today was my first walk along to Elie;   and I enjoyed it.   I met ‘Sapper’ taking Graham out for his morning walk.... its ‘Sapper’s’ birthday today so “Happy Birthday Sapper”:  he is twelve.... and is looking good.    (Nae ‘puku’ to carry about!)   ‘Sapper’ is a ‘Retriever’;  a Retriever that disnae actually retrieve a ball;  he gives it a perfunctory “what am I supposed to do with that” look, then picks it up .... sometimes!   Enjoy your birthday “Sapper” you are an especial ‘dawg’.

I’m thinkin’ it’s time I had a wander round Balcarres, .... the words ‘small’ and ‘adventure’ spring to mind.... but I’ll leave that until next week.... when there should be more signs of Spring around the woods etc.

Today I  finally got all the ‘holiday’ clothes washed, ironed and put away, .... Ivy is,
Elie beach.
 like me;   back to normal.    I’m contemplating polishing things .... I like the smell o’ the polish!

I bought a frozen Lemon Meringue Pie in Lidl’s .... the plan is for Jimmy and me to scoff it on the first rainy day;   that looks like being Thursday!

Photographs : Top – Earlsferry beach at sunrise time, Middle – Elie kirk lit by early morning sunlight, and Bottom – Elie at sunset time

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