Bonnie frosty morning ....

28th February 2017 (Tuesday) .... 09.30    Having been down on the beach at sunrise time, which ‘event’ was obscured by low clouds, I can tell you that it
Ten minutes before sunrise.
was freezin’;  no wonder the beach was quiet!     I found shelter, from the Northwest wind, in the lea of the bents... but, even there is was cold.    That said, there was a peaceful
ambiance about that made me feel warmer.    I didn’t delay leaving the beach .... Ivy Cottage was warm;   and I was ready for my porridge!

22.00     The last day of February has been really ‘Spring’ like, after the early frost;  it was warm in the sun as long as you were sheltered from the Northwest breeze.    The temperature in Ivy garden reached 11c ... and 25c in the Hutte.... and... the washing I hung out first thing is dry.

Sunrise time.
Sunrise time.After our morning cup o’ tea in Ivy Jimmy and I went along to Leven, and had another a cuppa and goodie in Sainsbury’s Cafe.    Jimmy wanted some shopping ... and I bought naan bread, to go with the Chicken Korma I intend making tomorrow.    
I’ve been feeling ‘sluggish’ today;   I’m surprised by this as I was ‘up’ and on the move early enough.   Perhaps that’s why I feel ‘sluggish’.    Anyway I went up to check the temperature in the Hutte, (and was pleasantly surprised to find it was 25c).    I fell asleep while doing a Soduko;  by the time I woke up the temperature had dropped to 18c ..... my nose was beginning to feel cold!    I abandoned the Hutte, after feeding “Blob” for the umpteenth time!

Luckily the central heating was set at 21c when Elizabeth arrived with Sapper in the
A peaceful Firth of Forth.
afternoon, delivering ‘kirk stuff’... I found out that it’s Communion on Sunday (5th March) at Elie.    Elizabeth was closely followed by Jim, who had been out walking the ‘dogs’;   Jim was closely followed by Jimmy who was ‘out’.    It’s been a busy afternoon at Ivy.

Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be, more or less, the same as today’s ..... two bonnie days in succession;  is this Spring?    I might do some gardening!     The ‘plan’ is to have a bit of a ‘lie in’... that ‘plan’ will change if it looks like being a bonnie sunrise.

Photographs : all taken, from the beach,  at ‘sunrise time’.

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