Lovely morning for travelling .....

14th February 2017 (Tuesday) ... 21.30    I hope everyone had a lovely, and happy, Valentine’s Day ..... with heaps of ‘love’ all around!
Kings Cross Railway Station.

I’m back ‘in residence’ at Ivy after an uneventful journey.   We, “JB” and I, caught an earlier train than we’d intended at Hayward's Heath, so had time for a coffee in Kings Cross before I joined the ‘big’ train for the journey home.... and “JB” went back down to Hayward's Heath.

The ‘menu’ on the Virgin east Coast route has been improved in the last eight weeks.... James Martin the Chef is the adviser re the food.     For breakfast I had porridge with maple syrup and bananas... and it was good.   In fact it was excellent.     The sandwiches  that I had for
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lunch were also excellent;   there was hot food too but I prefer sandwiches when travelling.      I more or less ate my way up the line, on what was a nice day.    There was a mist when we got to the Lothian’s so I couldn’t see the Centre of the Universe, .... which you can do on a clear day.    I arrived at Ivy about 15.50 to find a Gingerbread on the door step ...big Xx to Marcia.     Jimmy arrived about ten minutes later and we had a cuppa and a piece of Gingerbread.xx

After the cuppa Jimmy and I went down to the harbour, then up to ‘No 10’, where I picked up ‘Sooper Buggy’.    Since then I’ve had food, and got the washing into the machine ready for tomorrow.    I am really tired tonight... and having a migraine only
The setting sun from Elie Harbour ... it was cold down there!
adds to the tiredness, so it’s an early night for the boy tonight.

Tomorrow I have much to do:  new specs to be picked up from Govan’s, shopping to do, Christmas cards to take down;   yes there’s much to do tomorrow!

Photographs : Top – Kings Cross station, .. Middle – Virgin advertising activity, and Bottom – late afternoon from Elie Harbour.

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