Overcast and cold ......

10th February 2017 (Friday)...... 08.30     Oh dear .... we have another bleak morning .... and the weather forecast isn’t good;  cloudy all day with the chance of rain showers (snow on the East coast).    There is a light Northeast breeze so it is cold;  not motivating kind of weather, though I will go down as far as the Civic Centre later.

Holy Cross Church, Uckfield.
23.45    This turned out to be a surprising day after all in spite of the dreich weather.    First thing was that I surprised myself by walking two and a half miles by taking a devious route back to “No 1”... including walking up to the water tower at the top of the hill, then walking down the 50 feet or so to ‘home’.     This was surprising because it was not really walking weather at this time;   there was “Scotch Mist” falling, and it was cold.    However I did enjoy the walk..... and was able to ‘stride out’, even on the hill.
The second surprise was going out to a “Chinese” for a meal.   The “WOK Inn, Restaurant is in the ‘middle of nowhere’, at least it appeared so in the dark:   there was  no sign of a village around it... or even near it.    The menu was, to me, bewildering but Janice, Michael and Alex knew their way round it.... and soon we were enjoying the taste of Chinese food, from ‘nibbly’ starters (lots of it .... lots of everything it turned out) right through to the ‘ice cream’ we had for sweet.    For the Main Course I had ‘Lemon Chicken’ with egg fried rice;  that was really tasty.   I then sampled some of
Quiet Uckfield lane.
the other ‘tastes’ that were on the ‘turntable’... some of them ‘new ‘ to me.       “Puku” has enjoyed his holiday...and I feel healthier .... and heavier!    There will need to be much biking done this Spring  methinks!     I have enjoyed eating in Indian and Chinese Restaurants... and wish I had been more adventurous with food sooner.    “Puku” might have been even bigger!

On the way home from the ‘Wok Inn’ we had snow gently falling... and lying.    Not “iggzactly” road blocking stuff, but snow just the same;  reminding us that winter has a way to go yet.
We have ‘nae plans’ for tomorrow, so I’ll have a ‘lie in’ .... get myself rested up for the
London Road houses - Uckfield.
trip North on Tuesday!

Photographs : Top – Holy Cross Church, Middle –a nice row of houses in a quiet Uckfield lane... and Bottom – a cosy looking corner, but they’d need good double glazing to keep out the noise of the nearby London Road.

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