Nice morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrning .......

8th February 2017 (Wednesday) ....08.30    Although not a ‘sparkling’ morning, it is bonnie enough to entice me out for a walk.     I think it is supposed to
Oldest house in Uckfield.
turn c-cc-ccc-colder as the days goes on;   I haven’t been outside to find out if it is cold, but it looks cold:   there’s no ‘plan’ for today;   Michael is at work, so I’ll see what Janice has in mind..... the kettle has just boiled so you will all know what my next move is! 

 09.30     Jings, the sun has disappeared behind low cloud that has drifted over .... and, it is cold out .... that ‘raw’ kind o’ cold you have when rain is around, even though it isn’t raining here!    I’m going out for a walk in a wee while;    and, I will be well wrapped up!... I don’t think it’s going to be warm walking up the hill today!

Bow Bells mile marker.
22.30     It was not warm walking up the hill....  the sky turned a darker grey and the temperature kept dropping as the day went on,... I was glad to get back ‘home’.     Janice went out after lunch so I worked on the laptop, washed the flower vases, and drank cups o’ tea, before eventually going up to my room to have ‘50’.... just as Leeann arrived with the ‘troops’, Darcie and Sullivan.

Ann (photographer Ann) visited Janice in the evening time so we spent a quiet evening chatting, over a couple of cups of coffee.   Ann lives on the south side of the River Uck and has a fair bit to walk.... Ann does a lot of walking... and is well wrapped up, so it is still very ‘raw cold’ out.    With the wind continuing to be from the Easterly direction, ‘tomorrow’ is going to be very cold;   with the chance of odd snow flurries on the East coast.    ‘The boy’ won’t be going too far tomorrow methinks.

Janice’s sister and brother in law, Pauline, and Geoff are coming over tomorrow .... and ... Pauline is bringing cake!    Oh and lunch!    Pauline’s cakes are really something else;   “Puku”, bless his non wrinkled six pack, is very fond of Pauline’s
Slate clock face.
cakes:  this will be the third one that he has ‘sampled’!   Chatting to Pauline and Geoff will be a nice way to spend an afternoon!

Photographs : Top – the oldest house in Uckfield, built in the 1490’s, Middle – This “Bow Bells” mile marker, tells us that it is 43 miles from the bottom of Uckfield to the front door of the St Mary le Bow’ church in the City of London.    The 42 mile marker is near the Ringles Hotel.... and, Bottom – Slate clock face outside Uckfield Parish Church.    I cannot find any record of this slate face having anything to do with the church, though you would think that it should.

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