Thick fog ....

7th January 2017 (Saturday) ..... 10.30    Oh dear .... we have thick fog this morning, but it is forecast to slowly clear away;    hopefully before John Boy and I
"JB" on Birling Gap beach - with sandcastle at his feet!
arrive at Beachy Head.    “JB” lives down on the South coast, at Pevensey, so will know what it’s like on the coast.

23.30    The weather remained dull and damp all day, with ‘Scotch Mist blowing through at times.    John (“JB”) and I went down to the coast, where it was a little brighter;  we  saw one ‘bloo’ hole in the cloud base.... only a small hole.   Our first stop was at Birling Gap, one of my favourite places on the South coast.... and the tide was out:  this is the first time I have been at Birling Gap on a low(ish) tide, and therefore the first time I have seen a beach with ‘chalk rocks’.    Birling Gap beach is mostly shingle, (there are sandy patches) and was busy, despite the grey, and sometimes damp, afternoon.   Access to the beach, which is 15 metres or so below the cliff top, is via a staircase:  this is the lowest part of the cliff around the Beachy Head area, and has a Car Park and Cafe/Restaurant.     After exploring the beach etc, John then drove us round nto the Belle Tout Car Park where we walked to and took a  the cliff edge, where I took a
Me with Beachy Head lighthouse.
few photos of the Beachy Head lighthouse.    The highest part of the cliff, Beachy Head, was covered in low cloud;  we didn’t stop there, but did stop below the cloud level to get a photo of Eastbourne in the mist.

Eastbourne is a beautiful city, even on a dour kind o’ day like today.     We had a walk along the promenade, it was lovely, and many folks were out enjoying the enchantment that is Eastbourne.   Both “JB” and I were hungry by this time;  there was a “Harry Ramsden’s” nearby so we went and had food.     We both had haddock and chips, with the trimmings, and left the shop an hour later:    “Puku” likes Sussex:   Janice spoils him... and he likes fish suppers!

“JB” and I made a quick visit to Pevensey to see Jenny, and have another cuppa.   
Jenny was going out to work so it was a ‘flying visit’, before “JB” drove me home to “No 1”.

Janice and Michael are out with Ann and Derek tonight;   a happy evening, spent with friends, is a good way to relax, after a hard week.    I am happy too;    I have a load of photos to ‘play’ with!

Pho9tographs : Top – “JB” on Birling Gap beach, Middle – “Me”  with Beachy Head lighthouse beyond, and Bottom -  Eastbourne. 

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