Dreich morning ....

16th January 2017 (Monday) .... My thoughts are with Janice and Michael today:   Janice has her ‘op’ in Eastbourne this afternoon, ... so a  stressful time for them both.     “Bonnie” and I are looking forward to Friday .... Janice will be home.  

 It appears that “Bonnie” has decided the she will be i/c and that, for her, sleeping is ‘Order of the day’, .... and,  being that it is raining, and none too warm, sleeping isnae bad idea.     I’m  going to bake scones, and have been up to the local shop, a Mini Tesco, for some ingredients.    It’s a handy shop but doesn’t have a wide selection of goods.    It does have Tunnock’s Caramel Wafers and Milk Chocolate Digestives;   both vital ingredients on a dour day like today.

19.00    Brilliant news;   Michael phoned, at 18.40, to say that Janice is sitting up in
Bonnie looking for "Mum" (Janice.)
bed, drinking tea.   “Bonnie” and I are celebrating with a cuppa.

22.30     This has been a long day, but we’ll sleep soundly tonight knowing that Janice is ... probably ‘planning plans’ as we sleep!     Among the ‘sound sleepers’ will be “Bonnie” the Westie.     Having said that she did sleep well today, only becoming ‘restless’ about 12.45 for some obscure reason.

I left Michael and Bonnie sound asleep on the sofa when I crept upstairs a few minutes ago;   they well deserve their sleep!    I was going to wash the crockpot but that would have been too noisy so I’ll do it in the morning.
We’ve been watching the preparations at the White House for the forthcoming Presidential inauguration on Friday:   I know it happens every four years but for some reason this one is going to be ‘different’ ... and then some!      Donald Trump, will become “President of the United States of America”.... and with the new President seemingly representing “GREED” – and there is far too much of that attitude on the planet today;   this is something to be concerned about.
Photographs – “Bonnie” looking for Janice!

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