Dour, grey and damp morning ....

31st January 2017 (Tuesday) .... 09.00     Mmmmmm .... we have dour looking weather this morning..... overcast, with fog, and it looks like it will rain soon;  
Uckfield Street sign
not a bonnie start to the day.    My immediate ‘plan’ is to walk over to “Grants Hill”, but I’m thinkin’ the weather, the weather forecast for later in the day isn’t promising, might put an end to that mission.    I’m thinkin’ that a cuppa would be a good idea.

22.30     The desire to see the “Grants Hill House” site was stronger than the instinct to stay dry so I did in fact go  out in the morning..... and found where Grants Hill House once stood.    The building that is there now is a typical, boring, once functional no doubt, Care Home .... now boarded up and due to be demolished;   and not even forty years old.    “Grants Hill House” was an impressive building standing about 200 metres from Uckfield Parish Church;   there  is one copyrighted photo of the house, (which I can’t use), but I
Boarded up former Care Home
cannot find any records of when it was built etc.    It seems that its history began with the late night visit from Lord Lucan on 7th November 1974..... and ended when it was demolished 10 years later.    With the weather forecast being what it is for tomorrow I’ll have plenty of time to look for its (Grants Hill House) early history;   it is to be grey and dreich again
“No 1” has been going like a mill all day today with visitors from 10.00 right through to 17.00.     Pauline  and Geoff, (Janice’s sister and her husband)  are originally from London but have lived is Sussex most of their lives.... brought ‘lunch’ with them;   this pleased “Puku”, who is thriving down here.    He’s due for a shock in a couple of weeks!      Pauline brought real food, including a homemade, melt in the
A quiet corner of Uckfield.
mouth, walnut cake ....oh my goodness that was scrumptious.     Yes ‘the boy’ will have to go on a diet when he gets back to Ivy!
‘Nae plans’ for tomorrow... the weather forecast, as i said earlier, is not good.    I may walk along to the Ringles for some exercise depending on how ‘poor’ the weather is.

Photographs : Top – The only sign I found with the name Grants Hill House on it, Middle – the present building, a ‘not fit for purpose’ Care home, and Bottom – neighbouring houses. 

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