Lovely frosty morning .....

5th January 2016 (Thursday) ..... 09.00     we a have ‘wall to wall’ blue sky, after an early morning frost;   as was forecast.    I say ‘wall to wall’ but there are
Chestnut tree
few jet trails cutting through the ‘bloo’.    Ian and Jenny are coming over from Pevensey;   I might take a quick wander ‘down town’ before they arrive .... I could use the exercise. 
22.00       Jenny, Ian and I went up to a Garden Centre in the Ashdown Forest.    AS with many Garden Centre’s there was a Cafe attached wherein we had ‘Coffee and Cake’.     We were surprised at how busy it was:  then again it has been a ‘spring like’ day, and folks may well be thinking ‘garden’.    Of course it could have been that the cafe has is a popular place to go for food.... and has it’s “regulars”.    It isn’t a big place but it certainly is popular.

After Jenny and Ian went off home to Pevensey, I wandered down town to buy some fruit.   Since then I have been resting.    Walking up from the
Ian and Jenny
bottom of Uckfield is ‘hard work’.... especially when you think of the lack of ‘hills’ we have at home.   That said I am doing the uphill bit faster now, so I should be fitter by the time I get back to “The Royal Burgh”.    Colin, who lives ‘round the corner, came round to see Janice:  however Janice was out shopping.    I made a cuppa, and Colin and I chatted, about his forth coming holiday in Spain and the weather etc. 

Would you believe it.... fog is forecast for the South East tomorrow!     We have a marvellous day of ‘wall to wall’ sunshine (apart from the jet trails) .... tomorrow a day of fog turning to rain.    Strange weather indeed.    I don’t have a ‘plan’ for tomorrow, though Jenny was saying that “JB” is free for a couple of days, and might ‘pop over’ later in the afternoon.     “JB” is i/c ‘plans’.
Jimmy tells me that Jim is moored up, in bed, with a cold;   and no doubt enjoying being spoiled by Myra.    There’s cold doing the rounds
Sunset sky
down here;  so far I have managed to avoid it.

Finally.    Why is that the manufacturer’s of nail scissors think that, because the blades are tiny, the rings for your finger and thumb have to be tiny too?

Photographs : Top – 416 year old Sweet Chestnut tree, Middle – Ian and Jenny outside the ‘Green Fingers Cafe.... and Bottom – sunset sky.  

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