Overnight snow lying ... and it's snowing again ......

13th January 2017 (Friday) .....11.00      The covering of snow that fell last night is still lying, making the place reasonably wintry looking.     I see water
Fife milestone
dripping which means  the temperature is above freezing now, so with a bit of luck it will all disappear before night time.

Thus bug that I thought I had shaken orf, came back with a vengeance overnight;    I have never felt so hot as I did last night.    I shall stay in ‘dry dock’ until the bug is shaken orf properly.     Last night I drank copious amounts of water to prevent dehydration.    I do not want to have another night like last night.... that was not enjoyable.

21.30      Janice, Bless her, has had me up to the local surgery;   I wasn’t that keen on going but was glad that Janice ‘insisted’... ever so nicely... that it might be a good idea to hand in a urine sample, and get myself on the local surgery ‘list’.     The sample was
Balcarres snowdrop
‘clear’ but they have  to send it away for further tests., the results of which I’ll get next week.    I was worried that I had a UTI as well as this cauld.     Janice turned a deaf ear, when, on the way to the surgery I said that I was feeling better!    A bit like when the toothache disappears when your on the way to  Dentist.    It was really impressive the way that Janice, and  “Jane” the Receptionist, sorted me out.     I shall sleep easy tonight knowing that, thanks to Janice, I am on the local surgery list.    “Thank You Janice .... you are one of the real ‘gems’ of this World of ours.

I’ll be in ‘dry dock’ for the next couple of day ....mostly resting and drinking cuppas.    Oh and I won’t put on a jersey to ‘sweat the cold out of me’, as I did last night;   and
Hawthorn flowers
which must have contributed to my raised temperature.     I’m sneezing no;   is this a good sign?

The snow is still lying, and it is supposed to freeze again tonight, so the pavements will be like skating rinks.

Photographs : Top – Fife milestone, Middle – Snowdrops alongside the  Balcarres Crag path, and Bottom – Hawthorn flowers.

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