Gorgeous morning ......

19th January 2017 (Thursday) ... 10.30     Yessss ....we have “Sunny Sussex” again this morning.... and it isn’t as cold as it was yesterday;  I’d say that I feel Spring in the air.    Having said that we did have some red in the sunrise, which is
Sussex sky at sunrise.
by, all accounts, is not a good omen;   but right now let’s ‘enjoy’ today!

I have been up to the ‘local’ shop for a paper etc,... and I plan to go down town later.    The ‘bug’ I have is beginning to ‘break up’, .and I’m beginning to feel as if I might be on the mend.   It’s a strange  ‘bug’;   one day I feel ‘good’ .... next day I’m back to feeling grotty.... however, ‘today’ I’m feeling more  positive than I have done for a couple of weeks.

22.30      This has been one momentous day;   and I’m not referring to the weather.... which has been ‘momentous’ in its way, being a perfect ‘Spring’ day.... no, what has made if a momentous and perfect day for us is .... Janice is home!     I’d been bumbling along as per my ‘plan’;   up to the wee Tesco’s then downtown to the big Tesco’s, into the Civic Centre for lunch then back up to “No 1” , let ‘sooper dawg’ out, have a cuppa,... then the door bell rang!    I fumbled around with the key, and, eventually, managed to opened the door to find Alex ‘stood staunin’ there, with the bags that
"It wasn't me!"
Janice had taken with her when she left on Monday.    Suddenly Janice peeped round from where she had been ‘hiding’.... for a second I thought I was hallucinatin’ after the long walk up Uckfield High Street;    but I wasn’t, hallucinatin’ i.e. .... it was the ‘real’ Janice and yep;    she was really home!     Bonnie, like me, could hardly believe it!      However after I got the kettle on and made a cuppa I got the gist of why Alex had brought Janice home.     Alex had been at the hospital for an appointment and had gone up to see how Janice was.... and found her in the process of being ‘discharged’.    He texted Michael (who was at work) to tell him what was happening .... and, the logical move was for Alex to bring Janice home, while Michael tied up the loose ends at work.   Michael  arrived home three quarters of an hour after Janice.
With NHS England being short of bed spaces Janice had been placed in the Orthopaedic Ward.    The ‘regular’ Orthopaedic patients, who were ‘in’ for new knees or hips etc, couldn’t quite understand how Janice was able to amble across the Ward ‘nae bother’ while they were struggling to get out
Sussex sunset
of their beds!     They probably thought that she had ‘gone private’.
Tomorrow (I’m still i/c “Bonnie”) I shall stick to my original ‘plan’;    by baking scones for Janice coming home!    
So ends a surprising and exciting day;   I for one shall sleep tight tonight!

Photographs : Top – Sussex sunrise, Middle – er .... this is what “JB” and I arrived home to yesterday..... Bonnie saying “it wisnae me!”   ‘Something’ had consumed one cheese and tomato roll ....but she able to gulp down her grub when I fed her 10 minutes later! s o the ‘something’ couldn’t have been “Bonnie”..... aye right! ... and Bottom – Sussex sunset.  

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