Lovely 'bright and sunny' morning ......

20th January 2017 (Friday) .... 08.00    Well... it has to be said..... “Sunny Sussex” is living up to its name just now;   we have another ‘wall to wall’ blue
Sunrise time.
(ish) sky this morning, .... the ‘ish’ means there’s a touch of pollution diluting the pure blue sky;  which is understandable when you consider the number of cars etc on the roads, and planes in the sky down here.     That said it’s a bonnie morning .... but the sky just  isn’t as pristine blue as the sky over New Zealand is!     We have our own Northern Hemisphere Blue!

My immediate ‘plan’ is to bake scones after breakfast;    then I’ll take a ‘turn roond the block’.   

22.30     This has been one beautiful ‘Spring like’ day, though it was cold in the shade.... and when exposed to the brisk Northerly wind.     I baked the scones as per ‘plan’, then instead of going ‘roond the block’ I went downtown to get some bits and pieces for Janice;   so I have done the Uckfield hill to days in succession.    That said, it (the hill) is getting easier to ‘do’;   my tubes are beginning to clear, and the general trend is for me to feel ‘better’.

Bread pudding before cooking.
After a ‘lite bite’ lunch all three of us;   Janice, Bonnie and I, fell sound asleep watching an old game show on the television.    I woke myself up when I started snoring;   something I’m not normally guilty of ... snoring i.e.     After a cuppa, to get the system into gear again Janice guided me through the ins and out of making a ‘bread and butter’ pudding.    This turned out to be a successful mission.... the pudding is very tasty!

Later in the afternoon we watched part of the USA Presidential Inauguration .... not the most exciting television, but very important for the whole Planet.    The political
Pudding after cooking,
‘world’ is rapidly changing .... maybe too fast.

Emily and John are coming over from Somerset tomorrow for the weekend, and I think “JB” is coming up from Pevensey.    It’s a ‘cooking party’ with Em and John taking over in the kitchen etc.

Photographs : Top – Sunrise time, Middle  and Bottom – the ‘bread and butter pudding’ before and after cooking.

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