Overcast but dry ....

7th December 2016 (Wednesday) .... 08.30   Mmmmmm .... it is mild and overcast, but the rain has moved away:  it is not a ‘drying day’ though there is a breeze
Lundin Links shopping area from the 95 bus.
getting up... so it might be later.   A ‘drying day i.e.  

   I’m going to take the bus to Leven;  I need to get ink for the printer,....  and C6 envelopes;   I’ll then ‘unwind, by browsing the paintings, by local artists, in Stuart’s Cafe... with a cuppa and an Apple Turnover (without cream).     Yes ... that seems to be a good ‘plan’.  

  21.30    Jimmy is beginning to feel better;  the Doctor came out, and prescribed a course of antibiotics for an infection.    It’s the time of year, when bugs of all kinds go on the rampage, ... I’m sure they’re trying to take the magic out of the Festive Season.    When I think of it?... I can’t get into the feel of the festive Season at all this year, though I have started to do my Christmas cards!

Stuart’s (Leven) have a whole lot of new paintings in their ‘Cafe’ section....   covering a wide variety of subjects, by local, Levenmouth artists;  talented artists I might add.    Although the ‘cafe’ section is totally windowless, the pictures more than make up for that.    I enjoyed my cuppa .... and the non cream Apple Turnover... especially the non- cream Apple Turnover!

Unusually I managed to buy everything I went to Leven for, plus a few other useful things.    There was a queue at the checkout desk in W.H. Smith’s, so I decided to use the ‘self service checkout’ machine:  amazingly it worked perfectly... actually I should rephrase that;   I managed to ‘self checkout my goods’ without a blunder.   The
The railway viaduct at Lower Largo.
secret?    My favourite Check Out lassie in Sainsbury’s taught me how to do ‘self checkout’ a few weeks ago.   The people in W.H. Smith’s queue  looked surprised to see this ‘auld git’ skip the queue... and do the ‘self’ thing nae bother!

I bumped into Janet in Leven,... not literally ‘bumped into, but met her.  In point of fact I might have literally ‘bumped into her’ ‘cos I wasn’t looking where I was going;   I was studying a pigeon that was feeding its way up the High Street... looking to see if it had rings on its legs, when I heard a voice, (that sounded like my sister’s) say  “Albert”.   I thought to myself ,“the High Street can’t be full of “Albert’s”... that might be someone that knows me”.    It was Janet... my sister.     Jings I was alert this morning!    The alertness wore off fast enough;  both Jimmy and I fell asleep at No 10 (Jimmy’s residence) this afternoon.

What day’s the morn?    It will definitely be the day after today.   So what day was
Lonely yacht in Elie Harbour.
today?.... Oh aye Wednesday:  that means tomorrow is Thursday, ‘Drop in Cafe’ afternoon.   I told you that the alertness has worn orf!    I feel tired after a strenuous day ‘thinking’.    The ‘morn’ is forecast to be overcast, and windy, with a few sunny spells.

Photographs : Top – Lundin Links,  Middle – Lower Largo, and Bottom – we have one lonely yacht in Elie Harbour. 

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