Gorgeous pre sunrise sky ....

11th December 2016 (Sunday) .... 10.00   Iain set off to Edinburgh, (to work), at 07.45;  at which time I noticed that the dawn sky was beginning to be
Half an hour before sunrise at Elie.
interesting.    I wrapped myself up, grabbed the camera and toddled down to the beach, half an hour before the sun was due to rise (08.36).    It proved to be a rewarding ‘toddle’ as we had a gorgeous “red sky in the morning”, pre – sunrise sky.    By sunrise time, which was at 08.36;  the bright colours had been ‘washed out’.    The actual sunrise was hidden by low clouds.

21.30    Adelaide, Jenny, Ivan and went to “The Bank” in Anstruther for lunch:  it’s the first time that I have been in there, and I must say I was totally surprised.     The food was good, as was the company .... and the service.    I’d be happy to go back there again.    In fact instead of me taking ‘JB’ up to Fisher and Donaldson’s for Fudge Doughnuts, we’ll go to “The Bank”... for food ....  then again maybe not!   Fudge
Ten minutes before sunrise.
Doughnuts have that especial ‘something’ that ‘food’ does not have .... fudge!

You would think that going out for a meal wouldn’t be the most tiring o exercises;  but, for some reason I am absolutely shattered.    I suspect that it’s caused by shyness!    With me being so shy, going out in company must tire me out!    An early bath for the ‘boy’ tonight methinks!    My bedtime book is  “1984” (George Orwell), ... a book that I read many years ago, but I fancied catching up with ‘Wilbur Smith’ again.   I’ve reached the stage where he’s fallen in love .... a very dangerous ‘condition’ to be in, when living with ‘Big Brother’ watching your every move!

According to the weather forecast tomorrow is going to be another, mostly grey day; 
Adelaide and Ivan.
but there is the chance of a few sunny spells now and again.   I don’t have a ‘plan of action’ for tomorrow, but I must try to get out for a walk at some point,.... I may take the tripod own to the pier and have a practice with it.  There are Christmas cards to write and get in the post;   Jings I’m beginning to feel tired already ... I feel a ‘weakness’ coming on!    Eyelids are suppose to blink every so often, but right now mine blink shut .... and stop!   It’s definitely bed time!     Good night all .... I’m orf to make my chocolate.    

Photographs : Top – Elie half an hour before sunrise, Middle – Elie, ten minutes before sunrise, and Bottom – Adelaide and Ivan.

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